Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/806

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115 STAT. 1790 PUBLIC LAW 107-110—JAN. 8, 2002 "(C) The State ensures that each charter school has a high degree of autonomy over the charter school's budgets and expenditures. "(f) AMOUNT CRITERIA.—In determining the amount of a grant to be awarded under this subpart to a State educational agency, the Secretary shall take into consideration the number of charter schools that are operating, or are approved to open, in the State. 20 USC 722lb. "SEC. 5203. APPLICATIONS. "(a) APPLICATIONS FROM STATE AGENCIES. —Each State educational agency desiring a grant from the Secretary under this subpart shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information as the Secretary may require. " (b) CONTENTS OF A STATE EDUCATIONAL AGENCY APPLICA- TION.— Each application submitted pursuant to subsection (a) shall— "(1) describe the objectives of the State educational agency's charter school grant program and a description of how such objectives will be fulfilled, including steps taken by the State educational agency to inform teachers, parents, and communities of the State educational agency's charter school grant program; and "(2) describe how the State educational agency— "(A) will inform each charter school in the State regarding— "(i) Federal funds that the charter school is eligible to receive; and "(ii) Federal programs in which the charter school may participate; "(B) will ensure that each charter school in the State receives the charter school's commensurate share of Federal education funds that are allocated by formula each year, including during the first year of operation of the charter school; and "(C) will disseminate best or promising practices of charter schools to each local educational agency in the State; and "(3) contain assurances that the State educational agency will require each eligible applicant desiring to receive a subgrant to submit an application to the State educational agency containing— "(A) a description of the educational program to be implemented by the proposed charter school, including— "(i) how the program will enable all students to meet challenging State student academic achievement standards; "(ii) the grade levels or ages of children to be served; and "(iii) the curriculum and instructional practices to be used; "(B) a description of how the charter school will be managed^ "(C) a description of— "(i) the objectives of the charter school; and