Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/844

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115 STAT. 1828 PUBLIC LAW 107-110—JAN. 8, 2002 20 USC 7253d. 20 USC 7253e. basis, to State educational agencies, local educational agencies, or both, to implement activities described in subsection (b). " (d) CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT.— "(1) IN GENERAL. — The Secretary (after consultation with experts in the field of the education of gifted and talented students) shall establish a National Research Center for the Education of Gifted and Talented Children and Youth through grants to, or contracts with, one or more institutions of higher education or State educational agencies, or a combination or consortium of such institutions and agencies and other public or private agencies and organizations, for the purpose of carrying out activities described in subsection (b). "(2) DIRECTOR.— The National Center shall be headed by a Director. The Secretary may authorize the Director to carry out such functions of the National Center as may be agreed upon through arrangements with institutions of higher education, State educational agencies, local educational agencies, or other public or private agencies and organizations. "(3) FUNDING. —The Secretary may use not more than 30 percent of the funds made available under this subpart for fiscal year 2001 to carry out this subsection. "(e) COORDINATION.— Scientifically based research activities supported under this subpart— "(1) shall be carried out in consultation with the Office of Educational Research and Improvement to ensure that such activities are coordinated with and enhance the research and development activities supported by such Office; and "(2) may include collaborative scientifically based research activities which are jointly funded and carried out with such Office. "SEC. 5465. PROGRAM PRIORITIES. "(a) GENERAL PRIORITY. —In carrying out this subpart, the Secretary shall give highest priority to programs and projects designed to develop new information that— "(1) improves the capability of schools to plan, conduct, and improve programs to identify and serve gifted and talented students; and "(2) assists schools in the identification of, and provision of services to, gifted and talented students (including economically disadvantaged individuals, individuals with limited English proficiency, and individuals with disabilities) who may not be identified and served through traditional assessment methods. "(b) SERVICE PRIORITY.— The Secretary shall ensure that not less than 50 percent of the applications approved under section 5464(a)(2) in a fiscal year address the priority described in subsection (a)(2). "SEC. 5466. GENERAL PROVISIONS. "(a) PARTICIPATION OF PRIVATE SCHOOL CHILDREN AND TEACHERS.— In making grants and entering into contracts under this subpart, the Secretary shall ensure, where appropriate, that provision is made for the equitable participation of students and teachers in private nonprofit elementary schools and secondary schools, including the participation of teachers and other personnel in professional development programs serving such students.