Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/848

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115 STAT. 1832 PUBLIC LAW 107-110-JAN. 8, 2002 assistance is sought, including training in using such facihties and equipment and training in integrating programs into the classroom curriculum; and "(H) the development of educational and related programming for use on a telecommunications network. "(3) In the case of an application for assistance for instructional programming, a description of the types of programming that will be developed to enhance instruction and training and provide an assurance that such programming will be designed in consultation with professionals (including classroom teachers) who are experts in the applicable subject matter and grade level. "(4) A description of how the eligible entity has engaged in sufficient survey and analysis of the area to be served to ensure that the services offered by the eligible entity will increase the availability of courses of instruction in English, mathematics, science, foreign languages, arts, history, geography, or other disciplines. "(5) A description of the professional development policies for teachers and other school personnel to be implemented to ensure the effective use of the telecommunications facilities and equipment for which assistance is sought. "(6) A description of the manner in which historically underserved students (such as students from low-income families, limited English proficient students, students with disabilities, or students who have low literacy skills) and their families, will participate in the benefits of the telecommunications facilities, equipment, technical assistance, and programming assisted under this subpart. "(7) A description of how existing telecommunications equipment, facilities, and services, where available, will be used. "(8) An assurance that the financial interest of the United States in the telecommunications facilities and equipment will be protected for the useful life of such facilities and equipment. "(9) An assurance that a significant portion of any facilities and equipment, technical assistance, and programming for which assistance is sought for elementary schools and secondary schools will be made available to schools or local educational agencies that have a high number or percentage of children eligible to be counted under part A of title I. "(10) An assurance that the applicant will use the funds provided under this subpart to supplement, and not supplant, funds available for the purposes of this subpart. "(11) A description of how funds received under this subpart will be coordinated with funds received for educational technology in the classroom. "(12) A description of the activities or services for which assistance is sought, such as— "(A) providing facilities, equipment, training services, and technical assistance; "(B) making programs accessible to students with disabilities through mechanisms such as closed captioning and descriptive video services; "(C) linking networks around issues of national importance (such as elections) or to provide information about