Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/870

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115 STAT. 1854 PUBLIC LAW 107-110—JAN. 8, 2002 resources, including mental health, physical health, substance abuse, educational, domestic violence prevention, child welfare, and social services. "(3) To provide ancillary services such as transportation or child care in order to facilitate the delivery of any other services or activities authorized by this section. "(4) To develop or enhance early childhood community partnerships and build toward a community system of care that brings together child-serving agencies or organizations to provide individualized supports for eligible children and their families. "(5) To evaluate the success of strategies and services provided pursuant to this section in promoting young children's successful entry to school and to maintain data systems required for effective evaluations. "(6) To pay for the expenses of administering the activities authorized under this section, including assessment of children's eligibility for services. " (d) LIMITATIONS.— "(1) SERVICES NOT OTHERWISE FUNDED.— ^A local educational agency, local council, community-based organization, or other public or nonprofit private entity may use funds under this section only to pay for services that cannot be paid for using other Federal, State, or local public resources or through private insurance. " (2) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. —^A grantee may not use more than 3 percent of the amount of the grant to pay the administrative expenses described in subsection (c)(6). "(e) EVALUATIONS.—The Secretary shall directly evaluate, or enter into a contract for an outside evaluation of, each program carried out under this section and shall disseminate the findings with respect to such evaluation to appropriate public and private entities. "(f) DEFINITIONS.— In this section: "(1) ELIGIBLE CHILD.— The term 'eligible child' means a child who has not attained the age of 7 years, and to whom two or more of the following characteristics apply: "(A) The child has been abused, maltreated, or neglected. "(B) The child has been exposed to violence. "(C) The child has been homeless. "(D) The child has been removed from child care. Head Start, or preschool for behavioral reasons or is at risk of being so removed. "(E) The child has been exposed to parental depression or other mental illness. "(F) The family income with respect to the child is below 200 percent of the poverty line. "(G) The child has been exposed to parental substance abuse. "(H) The child has had early behavioral and peer relationship problems. "(I) The child had a low birth weight. "(J) The child has a cognitive deficit or developmental disability. "(2) LOCAL COUNCIL.—The term 'local council' means a council that is established or designated by a local government