Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1013

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Annex tl (continued) •196- HTS Su bheading Bt02t).46 9ioz.ii.s d 9i 9102. 11.70 Oecambar 17, 2001 Xt aach * B.3%onma caaa 4-2.1% on Iha atrap, band orbraealat * 3.9% ontha Mttarv eotaach-f 4.6% on the caaa * 10.6% on Iha alrap, bandor liracalal * 3.9% ontha battary S7(aaeht 63% on the caaa * 10.5% ontha atrap, bandor braealat 4- 3.9% onIha baltarv Wt each 4- 3% onthecaaa-t- 1.4% on the atrap, bandor Efftcalat * 2.6% onIha batlary 9102.11.95 57t aach t 20 02 20( aach * 4.2% on the caaa * 1.4%on Iha alrap, band or bncalat * 2.6% on ma Mtlary 40* aach 4 3% on the oaaa * 7% on the •trap, bandor bracalal * 2.6% onthe battery 36* each * 4.2% on Iha caaa*7%on Iha atrap, band or bracelet * 2.6% on the batterv Free 38* aach t 6,3% on Iha 4.2% on the eaaa « 2.1% on caaa 11.4% on Iha alrap, band Ihaaimp, band orbracalal * or bracelet * 3.9% on Iha 2.6% on the ..... liittEnr,.... tiliiiY.. 2003 10( each * 2.1% on the caaa* 0.7%on Iha atrap, band orbracelet * 1.3% on the battanr 20t each * 1.5% on the caaa * 3.5% on Iha alrap, band orbracelet * 1.3% on the baltarv 19* each * 2.1% on the caaa * 3.5% on Iha atrap, band orbracelet + 1.3% on the ballerv Free 19« each * 2.1% on the caaa * 0.7%on tie atrap, band or bracelet * 1.3% onthe )attenr 2004 Free Free Free Free Free 200S Free Free Free Free Cree 2006 Free Free Free Fra e Free 2007 Fra e Free Free Frae Free 200 6 Free Free Free Free Fra e 2009 Free Free Free Free Free 20 10 Free Free Free Free Free t—I O 2: <i en to O to o o en i1-3 CO