Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1043

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PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 3117 powered representative, have entered into an agreement with the Government of Mexico providing for an accelerated schedule of duty elimination for specific goods of Mexico. 12. Pursuant to section 201(b) of the NAFTA Implementation Act, I have determined that the modifications herein proclaimed of duties on goods originating in the territory of a NAFTA party are necessary or appropriate to maintain the general level of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with respect to Mexico provided for by the NAFTA, and to carry out the agreement with Mexico providing an accelerated schedule of duty elimination for specific goods. Pursuant to section 213(b)(3)(A) of the CBERA (19 U.S.C. 2703(b)(3)), I have determined that the rates of duty resulting from the accelerated schedule of duty elimination for specific goods of Mexico should also apply to CBTPA originating goods described in the same 8-digit subheadings of the HTS. 13. Section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the "1974 Act") (19 U.S.C. 2483), authorizes the President to embody in the HTS the substance of the relevant provisions of that Act, of other acts affecting import treatment, and actions thereunder, including the removal,. modification, continuance, or imposition of any rate of duty or other import restriction. NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 604 of the 1974 Act, sections 1102, 1205, and 1206 of the 1988 Act, section 213 of the CBERA, sections 201 and 202 of the NAFTA Implementation Act, section 111 of the URAA, and section 101 of the JFTA Act, do hereby proclaim: (1) In order to modify the HTS to conform it to the Convention or any amendment thereto recommended for adoption, to promote the uniform application of the Convention, to establish additional subordinate tariff categories to carry out modifications to the rules of origin under the NAFTA, and to make technical and conforming changes to existing provisions, the HTS is modified as set forth in Annex I to this proclamation. (2) In order to modify the rules of origin under the NAFTA to reflect the modifications to the HTS being made to conform it to the Convention and to make certain conforming changes, general note 12 to the HTS is further modified as provided in Annex II to this proclamation. (3) In order to provide for the continuation of previously proclaimed staged duty reductions in the Rates of Duty 1-General subcolumn under section 111(a) of the URAA, as provided in Presidential Proclamation 6763, for goods classifiable in the provisions modified by Annex I to this proclamation that are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after each of the dates specified in section A of Annex III to this proclamation, the rate of duty in the HTS set forth in the Rates of Duty 1-General subcolumn for each of the HTS subheadings enumerated in section A of Annex III shall be deleted and the rate of duty provided in such section inserted in lieu thereof. (4) In order to provide for the continuation of previously proclaimed staged duty reductions in the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for originating goods of Mexico under the NAFTA that are classifiable in