Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1074

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115 STAT. 3148 PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 Annex 1 (continued) -30- jOxygen-funakm ainini>-ooni(x)unds:| lAmino-aKlehydss. amino-ketones and...] (Other) fAromatic] Z-AminoaiKhfaquinona.

|See Annex IH(A)
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Other Products describedin additional U.S. note 3 to K i»cli( V< V| .. -(SM *nnff¥ 111(A)


Other rfSea Annex IIKA)


Other_ _. .:6.5%

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[See Annex HI(D)2

• pr ocbna ti onKJ O) Frae(A*.CA.D.E. MJCMX) [SeeAnnex 111(0)2 pni cl anBt io(4(JO) Ffee(A*.CA.D.E. rUJKX) (SeeAnnex IIKB) loI Ni p(OCianialion)(MX) (See Annex HI(D)2 totHi pf odafn iHon KJO) FiBe(A*.CA.E.L J.MIX) (See Anna 111(0)2 lo tNi pnxianwiionKX)) ' 15.4«Ag* 50% 15.4^ /110 + 50% i5.4«yit a* 50% 1S.4«A 0« 50% 30.5% ' (b). Conforming changes: (i). General note 4<d) is modiTied by deleting '2922.30.14 India'. '2922.30.17 India' and '2922.30.50 India* and Inserting '2922.39.14 India' and '2922.39.50 India' in lieu thereof. (i). The artide description of subheading 9906.29.12 is modified by deleting '2922.30.45" and inserting *2922.39.45' in lieu thereof. (95). The superior text immediately preceding subheading 2922.41.00 is modified to read: 'Ainno.acids. other than those containing more than one kind o( oxygen function, andtheir eslen: salts thereof^ (96Xa). The follcwirig subheading is inserted in numerical sequence: ijOxygeivfunction amino-compounds (oon.):] (Amlno4Cids. other than those...) Trikline (INN) and Its salts. (b). Subheading 2922.49.27 is renumbered as 2922.49.26. (c). Conforming change: The artide description of heading 9902.08.10 is modified by deleting '2922.49.2r and inserting '2922.49.26' in lieu thereof. 15.44/kg * 45 %-