Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1115

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PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 3189 Annex I (continued) -71- (B). adding, in numerical sequence, the foflowing subheadings and countiies set out opposite them: 4412.13.51 Brazil: Indonesia Brazil: Indonesia 4412.14.31 Btazil 4412.14.56 Brazil 4412^.31 Brazil: Indonesia 4412.22.41 Brazi: Colombia: Indonesia 4412.29.36 BrazI: Indonesia 441Z29.46 Brazfl: Ecuador Indonesia 4412.92.41 Ecuador 4412.92.51 Guyana 4412.99.56 Colombia (181). Subheading 4421.90.94 is superseded by: 40awrafticlesa(wood:| JOtharJ Thaakical. tMlM. and aperabc scenary ami prapertes. indudingte& (182Ka). Subheading 4601.10.00 is deleted. (b). Subheadings 4601.91.20.4601.91.40 and 4601.99.00 are superseded by: IPMs and sknaar pniducis oT pMing...| (Other.) (Of vaeaUbto malaiBis:] PtoMs and sintfar pfoduds cfptaMng malartab. wtwKwr or not assenUad Mo alripa 4001.91.40 4a0 1M 4601.99.05 Oh er Of one or more orthe malartab bamboo. raOarv wMcMrorwood... OSiar.. CXh ar Plaits and swrabrpraduds of pWlino malailals. whaOwr or not assacnUad Wo Ur tpa Oh ar. Z7% 3J% Fi «a (A*. CA.E.tJ. JO.MX) Free(A.CA.E.LJ. MX) (SMAm axNKD)2 ID Ma piDdamalionKJO) Fna(A*.CA.EJU. X>.MX) Free(A».CM>.E. •,JJOJ«C) 80% 25 %- (c). Conforming change: General note 4(d} is modified by deleting '4601.10.00 India' and inserting-4601.91.05 India'and'4601.99.05 India'In lieu thereof. (183). The article description of heading 4705.00.00 is modified to read: •wood pulp oWalnad by aciiiiftiiMaun of maaartcrt arid chamlealpulpinflpweaataa'