Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1143

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PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 3217 Annex I (continued) -99- (244Xa). The following new provisions are inserted in numerical sequence: S467J1.00 8467.22. 00 8467.29.00 {Tools lor woffcingIn lh« hand, pneumatic....] lAfitti saM-contained alBctric motor Drib et»» Undi Saws.. Othor.. F iee Free Fi«e(A.CAJEJLJ. X).MX) 3S% 35%- (b). Heading 8508 and subheadings 8508.10.00, 8508.20.00, 8508.80.00, 8508.90. 8508.90.40 and 8508.90.80 are deleted. (c). The subheadings listed in the in the first column of the following table are renumt}ered as the respective subheadings in the second column of the table: Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 8414.80.15 8414.90.40 8419.39.00 8422.30.10 8422.30.90 8422.40.10 8414.80. -!6 8414.90.41 8419.39.01 8422.30.11 8422.30.91 8422.40.11 8422.40.90 8422.90.10 8422.90.20 8422.90.90 8467.91.00 8467.99.00 8422.40.91 8422.90.11 8422.90.21 8422.90.91 8467.91.01 8467.99.01 (d). Conforming changes: (A). The artide description of subheading 9903.41.30 is modified by deleting '8508.80" and inserting "8467.29" in lieu thereof. (6). The artide description of sut>heading 9903.41.35 is modified by deleting "8508.10 or 8506.80* and inserting '8467.21 or 8467.29" in lieu thereof. (245). The artide description of subheading 8471.50.(X) is modified bydeleting 'subheading 8471.41 and 8471.49" and inserting 'subheading 8471.41 or 8471.49" in lieu thereof. (246Ka). Subheading 8472.90.95 is superseded by: pother office mactiines (for exampla^^] IWharJ Priming machines other than those of heading 8443 or 8471 Other- Free 1.8% Frae(A.CA,E.IU. JO.MX) 25% 35%- (b). Conforming change: Subheading 8443.59.50 isrenumberedas 8443.59.90.