Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/391

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PUBLIC LAW 107-135^JAN. 23, 2002 115 STAT. 2465 provide a personal emergency response system to veterans with service-connected disabilities. (c) AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE SYSTEM.—I f the Secretary concludes in the report under subsection (b) that a personal emergency response system should be provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs to veterans with service-connected disabilities— (1) the Secretary may provide such a system, without charge, to any veteran with a service-connected disability who is enrolled under section 1705 of title 38, United States Code, and who submits an application for such a system under subsection (d); and (2) the Secretary may contract with one or more vendors to furnish such a system. (d) APPLICATION. —^A personal emergency response system may be provided to a veteran under subsection (c)(1) only upon the submission by the veteran of an application for the system. Any such application shall be in such form and manner as the Secretary may require. (e) DEFINITION. —For purposes of this section, the term "personal emergency response system" means a device— (1) that can be activated by an individual who is experiencing a medical emergency to notify appropriate emergency medical personnel that the individual is experiencing a medical emergency; and (2) that provides the individual's location through a Global Positioning System indicator. SEC. 211. ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH CARE OF VETERANS WHO SERVED IN SOUTHWEST ASIA DURING THE PERSIAN GULF WAR. Section 1710(e)(3)(B) is amended by striking "December 31, 38 USC 1710. 2001" and inserting "December 31, 2002". Approved January 23, 2002. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 3447: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 147 (2001): Dec. 11, considered and passed House. Dec. 20, considered and passed Senate.