Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/714

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115 STAT. 2788 PROCLAMATION 7449-JUNE 8, 2001 CHAPTER Vn GENERAL ARTICLES Article 1 CroH-Barder Trunactioiu aad Trmnifen 1 Unless otherwise agreed between the parties to such transactions, all cross-border commacial transactions, and all transfers of currencies relating to a covered investment, shall be nude in United States dollars or any other currency that may be designated from time to time by the international Monetary Fund as being a freely usablecurrency 1, In connection with trade in products and services, each Party shall grant to nationals and companies of the other Party thebetter of most-&vored-nation or national treatment with res pe ct to: A opening and maintaining accounts, in both local and foreign currency, and having accessto {iindsdepositedinfinancialinstitutionslocated in theterritory of the Party, B. payments, remittances and transfers of currencies convertible into freely usable currency at a market rate of exchange or fuiancial instruments representative ••>'' thereof^ between the territories of the two Parties, as well as between theterritory of that Party and that of any third country; C. rates of exchange and related matters, including access to freely usable currencies. 3 Each Party shall grant to covered investments of the other Party the better of national or most &vored nation treatment with resipect to all transfers into and out of each Party's territory Such transfers include: A contributions to capital; B profits, dividends, capital gains, and proceedsfromthe sale (^all or any part of die investment or from the partial or conqilete liquidation of the investment, C hnerest, royaltypayments, management fees, andtechnicalassistanceandother feer, D. payments made under contract, mcluding a loan agreement; E compensation pursuant to Antcle 10 of Chapter IV and payments arising out ef an investliient dispute. t- h