Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 1.djvu/192

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116 STAT. 166 PUBLIC LAW 107-171—MAY 13, 2002 (B) the lower of the farm program payment yield used to make counter-cyclical payments under subtitle A or the actual yield on a field, as determined by the Secretary, that is similar to the field from which the com or grain sorghum was obtained. (3) HIGH MOISTURE STATE DEFINED.—In this subsection, the term "high moisture state" means corn or grain sorghum having a moisture content in excess of Commodity Credit Corporation standards for marketing assistance loans made by the Secretary under section 1201. (b) RECOURSE LOANS AVAILABLE FOR SEED COTTON.— For each of the 2002 through 2007 crops of upland cotton and extra long staple cotton, the Secretary shall make available recourse seed cotton loans, as determined by the Secretary, on any production. (c) REPAYMENT RATES.—Repayment of a recourse loan made under this section shall be at the loan rate established for the commodity by the Secretary, plus interest (determined in accordance with section 163 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. 7283)). (d) TERMINATION OF SUPERSEDED LOAN AUTHORITY.— Notwithstanding section 137 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. 7237), recourse loans shall not be made for the 2002 crop of corn, grain sorghum, and seed cotton under such section. Subtitle C—Peanuts 7 USC 7951. SEC. 1301. DEFINITIONS. In this subtitle: (1) BASE ACRES FOR PEANUTS.— The term "base acres for peanuts" means the number of acres assigned to a farm by historic peanut producers pursuant to section 1302(b). (2) COUNTER-CYCLICAL PAYMENT.—The term "countercyclical payment" means a payment made under section 1304. (3) EFFECTIVE PRICE.— The term "effective price" means the price calculated by the Secretary under section 1304 for peanuts to determine whether counter-cyclical payments are required to be made under that section for a crop year. (4) DIRECT PAYMENT.—The term "direct payment" means a payment made under section 1303. (5) HISTORIC PEANUT PRODUCER.— The term "historic peanut producer" means a producer on a farm in the United States that produced or was prevented from planting peanuts during any or all of the 1998 through 2001 crop years. (6) PAYMENT ACRES.— The term "payment acres" means— (A) for the 2002 crop of peanuts, 85 percent of the average acreage determined under section 1302(a)(2) for an historic peanut producer; and (B) for the 2003 through 2007 crops of peanuts, 85 percent of the base acres for peanuts assigned to a farm under section 1302(b). (7) PAYMENT YIELD.— The term "payment yield" means the yield assigned to a farm by historic peanut producers pursuant to section 1302(b). (8) PRODUCER.— The term "producer" means an owner, operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper that shares in the