Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 1.djvu/215

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PUBLIC LAW 107-171—MAY 13, 2002 116 STAT. 189 "(2) PRODUCTS. —The Secretary may include sugar products, whose majority content is sucrose for human consumption, derived from sugarcane, sugar beets, molasses, or sugar in the allotments under paragraph (1) if the Secretary determines it to be appropriate for purposes of this part. "(c) PROHIBITIONS.— "(1) IN GENERAL.—During any crop year or portion thereof for which marketing allotments have been established, no processor of sugar beets or sugarcane shall market a quantity of sugar in excess of the allocation established for such processor, except to enable another processor to fulfill an allocation established for such other processor or to facilitate the exportation of such sugar. "(2) CrviL PENALTY. — Any processor who knowingly violates paragraph (1) shall be liable to the Commodity Credit Corporation for a civil penalty in an amount equal to 3 times the United States market value, at the time of the commission of the violation, of that quantity of sugar involved in the violation. "(3) DEFINITION OF MARKET.—For purposes of this part, the term 'market' shall mean to sell or otherwise dispose of in commerce in the United States (including the forfeiture of sugar under the loan program for sugar under section 156 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. 7272) and, with respect to any integrated processor and refiner, the movement of raw cane sugar into the refining process). "SEC. 359c. ESTABLISHMENT OF FLEXIBLE MARKETING ALLOTMENTS. 7 USC 1359cc. "(a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall establish flexible marketing allotments for sugar for any crop year in which the allotments are required under section 359b(b) in accordance with this section. " (b) OVERALL ALLOTMENT QUANTITY.— "(1) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary shall establish the overall quantity of sugar to be allotted for the crop year (in this part referred to as the 'overall allotment quantity') by deducting from the sum of the estimated sugar consumption and reasonable carryover stocks (at the end of the crop year) for the crop year, as determined under section 359b(a)— " (A) 1,532,000 short tons, raw value; and "(B) carry-in stocks of sugar, including sugar in Commodity Credit Corporation inventory. "(2) ADJUSTMENT.— The Secretary shall adjust the overall allotment quantity to avoid the forfeiture of sugar to the Commodity Credit Corporation. "(c) MARKETING ALLOTMENT FOR SUGAR DERIVED FROM SUGAR BEETS AND SUGAR DERIVED FROM SUGARCANE.—The overall allotment quantity for the crop year shall be allotted between— "(1) sugar derived from sugar beets by establishing a marketing allotment for a crop year at a quantity equal to the product of multiplying the overall allotment quantity for the crop year by 54.35 percent; and "(2) sugar derived from sugarcane by establishing a marketing allotment for a crop year at a quantity equal to the product of multiplying the overall allotment quantity for the crop year by 45.65 percent.