Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 1.djvu/283

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PUBLIC LAW 107-171—MAY 13, 2002 116 STAT. 257 description of the purposes to be met by the implementation of the plan; and "(3) in the case of a confined livestock feeding operation, provides for development and implementation of a comprehensive nutrient management plan, if applicable. "(b) AVOIDANCE OF DUPLICATION.— The Secretary shall, to the maximum extent practicable, eliminate duplication of planning activities under the program under this chapter and comparable conservation programs. "SEC. 1240F. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. "To the extent appropriate, the Secretary shall assist a producer in achieving the conservation and environmental goals of a program plan by— "(1) providing cost-share pa5mients or incentive payments for developing and implementing 1 or more practices, as appropriate; and "(2) providing the producer with information and training to aid in implementation of the plan. "SEC. 1240G. LIMITATION ON PAYMENTS. "An individual or entity may not receive, directly or indirectly, cost-share or incentive payments under this chapter that, in the aggregate, exceed $450,000 for all contracts entered into under this chapter by the individual or entity during the period of fiscal years 2002 through 2007, regardless of the number of contracts entered into under this chapter by the individual or entity. "SEC. 1240H. CONSERVATION INNOVATION GRANTS. "(a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary may pay the cost of competitive grants that are intended to stimulate innovative approaches to leveraging Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection, in conjunction with agricultural production, through the program. "(b) USE.— The Secretary may provide grants under this section to governmental and nongovernmental organizations and persons, on a competitive basis, to carry out projects that— "(1) involve producers that are eligible for payments or technical assistance under the program; "(2) implement projects, such as— "(A) market systems for pollution reduction; and "(B) innovative conservation practices, including the storing of carbon in the soil; and "(3) leverage funds made available to carry out the program under this chapter with matching funds provided by State and local governments and private organizations to promote environmental enhancement and protection in conjunction with agricultural production. "(c) COST SHARE.— The amount of a grant made under this section to carry out a project shall not exceed 50 percent of the cost of the project. "SEC. 12401. GROUND AND SURFACE WATER CONSERVATION. "(a) ESTABLISHMENT. —In carrying out the program under this chapter, subject to subsection (b), the Secretary shall promote ground and surface water conservation by providing cost-share pay- ments, incentive payments, and loans to producers to carry out 16 USC 3839aa-6. 16 USC 3839aa-7. 16 USC 3839aa-8. 16 USC 3839aa-9.