Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 1.djvu/323

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PUBLIC LAW 107-171—MAY 13, 2002 116 STAT. 297 (e) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES.—Assistance may be provided under this section to private voluntary organizations, cooperatives, intergovernmental organizations, governments of developing countries and their agencies, and other organizations. (f) PROCEDURES. — (1) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out subsection (b), the Presi- President, dent shall ensure that procedures are established that— (A) provide for the submission of proposals by eligible entities, each of which may include 1 or more recipient countries, for commodities and other assistance under this section; (B) provide for eligible commodities and assistance on a multiyear basis; (C) ensure that eligible entities demonstrate the organizational capacity and the ability to develop, implement, monitor, report on, and provide accountability for activities conducted under this section; (D) provide for the expedited development, review, and approval of proposals submitted in accordance with this section; (E) ensure monitoring and reporting by eligible entities on the use of commodities and other assistance provided under this section; and (F) allow for the sale or barter of commodities by eligible entities to acquire funds to implement activities that improve the food security of women and children or otherwise enhance the effectiveness of programs and activities authorized under this section. (2) PRIORITIES FOR PROGRAM FUNDING.— In carrying out paragraph (1) with respect to criteria for determining the use of commodities and other assistance provided for programs and activities authorized under this section, the implementing agency may consider the ability of eligible entities to— (A) identify and assess the needs of beneficiaries, especially malnourished or undernourished mothers and their children who are 5 years of age or younger, and schoolage children who are malnourished, undernourished, or do not regularly attend school; (B)(i) in the case of preschool and school-age children, target low-income areas where children's enrollment and attendance in school is low or girls' enrollment and participation in preschool or school is low, and incorporate developmental objectives for improving literacy and primary education, particularly with respect to girls; and (ii) in the case of programs to benefit mothers and children who are 5 years of age or younger, coordinate supplementary feeding and nutrition programs with existing or newly-established maternal, infant, and children programs that provide health-needs interventions, including maternal, prenatal, and postnatal and newborn care; (C) involve indigenous institutions as well as local communities and governments in the development and implementation of the programs and activities to foster local capacity building and leadership; and