Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 1.djvu/421

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PUBLIC LAW 107-171—MAY 13, 2002 116 STAT. 395 "(5) ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION.— Nothing in this subsection prohibits the use of a book-entry or other electronic form of registration for trust certificates issued under this section. "SEC. 384G. FEES. "(a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary may charge such fees as the Secretary considers appropriate with respect to any guarantee or grant issued under this subtitle. " (b) TRUST CERTIFICATE. —Notwithstanding subsection (a), the Secretary shall not collect a fee for any guarantee of a trust certificate under section 384F, except that any agent of the Secretary may collect a fee approved by the Secretary for the functions described in section 384F(e)(2). "(c) LICENSE.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary may prescribe fees to be paid by each applicant for a license to operate as a rural business investment company under this subtitle. "(2) USE OF AMOUNTS.—Fees collected under this subsection— "(A) shall be deposited in the account for salaries and expenses of the Secretary; and "(B) are authorized to be appropriated solely to cover the costs of licensing examinations. " SEC. 384H. OPERATIONAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS. "(a) IN GENERAL.— In accordance with this section, the Secretary may make grants to rural business investment companies and to other entities, as authorized by this subtitle, to provide operational assistance to smaller enterprises financed, or expected to be financed, by the entities. "(b) TERMS. — Grants made under this section shall be made over a multiyear period (not to exceed 10 years) under such terms as the Secretary may require. "(c) USE OF FUNDS.—The proceeds of a grant made under this section may be used by the rural business investment company receiving the grant only to provide operational assistance in connection with an equity or prospective equity investment in a business located in a rural area. "(d) SUBMISSION OF PLANS.— ^A rural business investment company shall be eligible for a grant under this section only if the rural business investment company submits to the Secretary, in such form and manner as the Secretary may require, a plan for use of the grant. "(e) GRANT AMOUNT.— "(1) RURAL BUSINESS INVESTMENT COMPANIES. —The amount of a grant made under this section to a rural business investment company shall be equal to the lesser of— "(A) 10 percent of the private capital raised by the rural business investment company; or "(B) $1,000,000. "(2) OTHER ENTITIES. —The amount of a grant made under this section to any entity other than a rural business investment company shall be equal to the resources (in cash or in kind) raised by the entity in accordance with the requirements applicable to rural business investment companies under this subtitle. 7 USC 2009CC-6. 7 USC 2009CC-7.