Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 2.djvu/139

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PUBLIC LAW 107-206—AUG. 2, 2002 116 STAT. 921 "(iii) operates routes originating from the main hub of the carrier designated under subparagraph (C); and "(iv) has invested at least $500,000 in a physical hanger facility prior to January 1, 2002 in such a hub city. "(C) For purposes of subparagraph (B), a carrier may designate only one hub city as its main hub and once such designation is transmitted to the Postal Service it may not be changed. Such selection and transmission must be transmitted to the Postal Service within 6 months of the date of enactment of the Rural Service Improvement Act of 2002. A carrier attempting to receive tender of nonpriority bypass mail under this subsection shall not be eligible for such tender after the carrier becomes qualified for tender of nonpriority b5^ass mail under subsection (h) or (i) on any route. The purchase of another carrier's hanger facility after such date of enactment shall not be considered sufficient to meet the requirement of subparagraph (B)(iv). "(k)(l) At least once every 2 years, in conjunction with annual updates, the Secretary shall review the need for a bush mail rate investigation. The Secretary shall use show cause procedures to speedily and more accurately determine the cost of providing bush mail service. In determining such rates, the Secretary shall not take into account the cost of passenger insurance rates or premiums paid by the passenger carriers or other costs associated with passenger service. "(2) In order to ensure sufficient, reliable, and timely traffic data to meet the requirements of this subsection, the Secretary shall require— "(A) the monthly submission of the bush carrier's data on T-lOO diskettes, or any other suitable form of data collection, as determined by the Secretary; and "(B) the carriers to retain all books, records, and other source and summary documentation to support their reports and to preserve and maintain such documentation in a manner that readily permits the audit and examination by representatives of the Postal Service or the Secretary. "(3) Documentation under paragraph (2) shall be retained for 7 years or until the Secretary indicates that the records may be destroyed. Copies of flight logs for aircraft sold or disposed of shall be retained. "(4) Carriers qualified to be tendered nonpriority bypass mail shall submit to the Secretary the number and type of aircraft in the carrier's fleet, the level of passenger insurance covering its fleet, and the name of the insurance company providing such coverage. "(5) Not later than 30 days after the last day of each calendar Deadline, month, carriers qualified or attempting to be qualified to be tendered nonpriority bypass mail shall report to the Secretary the excise taxes paid by city pair to the Department of the Treasury and the weight of and revenue earned by the carriage of nonmail freight. Final compiled data shall be made available to carriers providing service in the hub. "(1) No qualified carrier may be tendered nonpriority bypass mail under subsections (h) and (i) simultaneously on a route unless no other carrier is tendered mail under either subsection. "(m)(l) Carriers qualifying for tender of nonpriority bj^ass mail under subsections (h) and (i) simultaneously shall be tendered such mail under subsection (h).