Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/265

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PUBLIC LAW 107-273—NOV. 2, 2002 116 STAT. 1857 The President shall appoint members of the opposing party only on the recommendation of the leaders of Congress from that party. (2) Two members shall be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate. (3) Two members shall be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate. (4) Two members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (5) Two members shall be appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives. (b) INELIGIBILITY FOR APPOINTMENT. —Members of Congress shall be ineligible for appointment to the Commission. (c) TERM OF APPOINTMENT.— (1) IN GENERAL.— Subject to paragraph (2), members of the Commission shall be appointed for the life of the Commission. (2) EARLY TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT.— If a member of the Commission who is appointed to the Commission as— (A) an officer or employee of a government ceases to be an officer or employee of such government; or (B) an individual who is not an officer or employee of a government becomes an officer or employee of a government; then such member shall cease to be a member of the Commission on the expiration of the 90-day period beginning on the date such member ceases to be such officer or employee of such government, or becomes an officer or employee of a government, as the case may be. (d) QUORUM. —Seven members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may conduct meetings. (e) APPOINTMENT DEADLINE.—Initial appointments under subsection (a) shall be made not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act. (f) MEETINGS.— The Commission shall meet at the call of the chairperson. The first meeting of the Commission shall be held not later than 30 days after the date on which all members of the Commission are first appointed under subsection (a) or funds are appropriated to carry out this subtitle, whichever occurs later. (g) VACANCY.—^A vacancy on the Commission shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointment is made. (h) CONSULTATION BEFORE APPOINTMENT.— Before appointing members of the Commission, the President, the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the minority leader of the House of Representatives shall consult with each other to ensure fair and equitable representation of various points of view in the Commission. (i) CHAIRPERSON; VICE CHAIRPERSON.—The President shall President, select the chairperson of the Commission from among its appointed members. The leaders of Congress from the opposing party of the President shall select the vice chairperson of the Commission from among its remaining members. SEC. 11055. COMPENSATION OF THE COMMISSION. (a) PAY. — (1) NONGOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. —Each member of the Commission who is not otherwise employed by a government