Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/269

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PUBLIC LAW 107-273—NOV. 2, 2002 116 STAT. 1861 "(13) establishing and maintaining accountability-based programs that are designed to enhance school safety; "(14) establishing and maintaining restorative justice programs; "(15) establishing and maintaining programs to enable juvenile courts and juvenile probation officers to be more effective and efficient in holding juvenile offenders accountable and reducing recidivism; or "(16) hiring detention and corrections personnel, and establishing and maintaining training programs for such personnel to improve facility practices and programming. "(c) DEFINITION. —In this section the term 'restorative justice program' means a program that emphasizes the moral accountability of an offender toward the victim and the affected community and may include community reparations boards, restitution (in the form of monetary payment or service to the victim or, where no victim can be identified, service to the affected community), and mediation between victim and offender. "SEC. 1801A. TRIBAL GRANT PROGRAM AUTHORIZED. "(a) IN GENERAL.—From the amount reserved under section 1810(b), the Attorney General shall make grants to Indian tribes for programs to strengthen tribal juvenile justice systems and to hold tribal youth accountable. "(b) ELIGIBILITY. — Indian tribes, as defined by section 102 of the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994 (25 U.S.C. 479a), or a consortia of such tribes, shall submit to the Attorney General an application in such form and containing such information as the Attorney General may require. Only tribes that carry out tribal juvenile justice functions shall be eligible to receive a grant under this section. "(c) AWARDS. —The Attorney General shall award grants under this section on a competitive basis. "(d) GUIDELINES.— The Attorney General shall issue guidelines establishing application, use, and award criteria and processes consistent with the purposes and requirements of this Act. "SEC. 1802. GRANT ELIGIBILITY. "(a) STATE ELIGIBILITY.—To be eligible to receive a grant under this part, a State shall submit to the Attorney General an application at such time, in such form, and containing such assurances and information as the Attorney General may require by guidelines, including— "(1) information about— "(A) the activities proposed to be carried out with such grant; and "(B) the criteria by which the State proposes to assess the effectiveness of such activities on achieving the purposes of this part; and "(2) assurances that the State and any unit of local government to which the State provides funding under section 1803(b), has in effect (or shall have in effect, not later than 1 year after the date that the State submits such application) laws, or has implemented (or shall implement, not later than 1 year after the date that the State submits such application) policies and programs, that provide for a system of graduated sanctions described in subsection (d). " (b) LOCAL ELIGIBILITY.— 42 USC 3796ee-l. 42 USC 3796ee-2.