Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/180

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116 STAT. 2608 PUBLIC LAW 107-314—DEC. 2, 2002 the system. Any such items shall be counted for purposes of the number of items of the system that may be procured through low-rate initial production. 10 USC 1702 SEC. 807. QUICK-REACTION SPECIAL PROJECTS ACQUISITION TEAM. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics shall establish a team of highly qualified acquisition professionals who shall be available to advise the Under Secretary on actions that can be taken to expedite the acquisition of urgently needed systems. (b) DUTIES. —The issues on which the team may provide advice shall include the following: (1) Industrial base issues, including the limited availability of suppliers. (2) Technology development and technology transition issues. (3) Issues of acquisition policy, including the length of the acquisition cycle. (4) Issues of testing policy and ensuring that weapon systems perform properly in combat situations. (5) Issues of procurement policy, including the impact of socio-economic requirements. (6) Issues relating to compliance with environmental requirements. Subtitle B—Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, and Limitations SEC. 811. LIMITATION PERIOD FOR TASK AND DELIVERY ORDER CON- TRACTS. (a) LIMITATION PERIOD.— Section 2306c of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(g) LIMITATION PERIOD FOR TASK AND DELIVERY ORDER CON- TRACTS. — (1) The authority and restrictions of this section, including the authority to enter into contracts for periods of not more than five years, shall apply with respect to task order and delivery order contracts entered into under the authority of section 2304a, 2304b, or 2304c of this title. "(2) The regulations implementing this subsection shall establish a preference that, to the maximum extent practicable, multiyear requirements for task order and delivery order contracts be met with separate awards to two or more sources under the authority of section 2304a(d)(l)(B) of this title.". 10 USC 2306c (b) EFFECTIVE DATE. —Subsection (g) of section 2306c of title note. 10, tjnited States Code, as added by subsection (a), shall apply to all task order and delivery order contracts entered into on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. (c) COMPTROLLER GENERAL REPORT.— Not later than March 15, 2003, the Comptroller General shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a report on the contract periods (including any options or extensions) for all single and multiple contract awards entered into under section 2304a(d) of