Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/238

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116 STAT. 2666 PUBLIC LAW 107-314—DEC. 2, 2002 of weapons of mass destruction (including nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, and biological weapons) or advanced conventional munitions— (1) in the most recent report under section 721 of the Combatting Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996 (title VII of Public Law 104-293; 50 U.S.C. 2366); or (2) in any successor report on the acquisition by foreign countries of dual-use and other technology useful for the development or production of weapons of mass destruction. 22 USC 6901 SEC. 1207. MONITORING OF IMPLEMENTATION OF 1979 AGREEMENT note BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND CHINA ON COOPERA- TION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. (a) IN GENERAL. — The Secretary of State shall— (1) monitor the implementation of the Agreement specified in subsection (c); (2) keep a systematic account of the protocols to the Agreement; (3) coordinate the activities of all agencies of the United States Government that carry out cooperative activities under the Agreement; and (4) ensure that all activities conducted under the Agreement comply with applicable laws and regulations concerning the transfer of militarily sensitive technologies and dual-use technologies. (b) RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECH- NOLOGY COOPERATION. —Except as otherwise provided by the Secretary of State, the functions of the Secretary under this section shall be carried out through the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Cooperation of the Department of State. (c) AGREEMENT DEFINED. —For purposes of this section, the term "Agreement" means the agreement between the United States and the People's Republic of China known as the "Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Cooperation in Science and Technology", signed in Washington on January 31, 1979, and its protocols. Deadline. (d) BIENNIAL REPORT TO CONGRESS.—(1) Not later than April 1 of each even-numbered year, the Secretary of State shall submit to Congress a report on the implementation of the Agreement and on activities under the Agreement. Each such report shall be submitted in both classified and unclassified form, as necessary. (2) Each report under this subsection shall provide an evaluation of the benefits of the Agreement to the economy, to the military, and to the industrial base of the People's Republic of China and shall include the following: (A) An accounting of all activities conducted under the Agreement since the previous report (or, in the case of the first report, since the Agreement was entered into) and a projection of activities to be undertaken under the Agreement during the next two years. (B) An estimate of the costs to the United States to administer the Agreement during the period covered by the report. (C) An assessment of how the Agreement has influenced the foreign and domestic policies of the People's Republic of