Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/492

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116 STAT. 2920 PUBLIC LAW 107-347—DEC. 17, 2002 (A) REPOSITORY AND WEBSITE.—The Director of the Office of Management and Budget (or the Director's delegate), in consultation with the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and other relevant agencies, shall ensure the development and maintenance of— (i) a repository that fully integrates, to the maximum extent feasible, information about research and development funded by the Federal Government, and the repository shall— (I) include information about research and development funded by the Federal Government, consistent with any relevant protections for the information under section 552 of title 5, United States Code, and performed by— (aa) institutions not a part of the Federal Government, including State, local, and foreign governments; industrial firms; educational institutions; not-for-profit organizations; federally funded research and development centers; and private individuals; and (bb) entities of the Federal Government, including research and development laboratories, centers, and offices; and (II) integrate information about each separate research and development task or award, including— (aa) the dates upon which the task or award is expected to start and end; (bb) a brief summary describing the objective and the scientific and technical focus of the task or award; (cc) the entity or institution performing the task or award and its contact information; (dd) the total amount of Federal funds expected to be provided to the task or award over its lifetime and the amount of funds expected to be provided in each fiscal year in which the work of the task or award is ongoing; (ee) £my restrictions attached to the task • or award that would prevent the sharing with the general public of any or all of the information required by this subsection, and the reasons for such restrictions; and (ff) such other information as may be determined to be appropriate; and Public (ii) 1 or more websites upon which all or part information. of the repository of Federal research and development shall be made available to and searchable by Federal agencies and non-Federal entities, including the general public, to facilitate— (I) the coordination of Federal research and development activities; (II) collaboration among those conducting Federal research and development;