Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/513

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PUBLIC LAW 107-347—DEC. 17, 2002 116 STAT. 2941 (D) address the feasibility of incorporating other elements related to the purposes of this section at the discretion of the Director; and (E) make any recommendations that the Director deems appropriate on the use of integrated reporting and information systems, to reduce the burden on reporting and strengthen public access to databases within and across agencies. (d) PILOT PROJECTS TO ENCOURAGE INTEGRATED COLLECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF DATA AND INTEROPERABILITY OF FEDERAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS.— (1) IN GENERAL.— In order to provide input to the study under subsection (c), the Director shall designate, in consultation with agencies, a series of no more than 5 pilot projects that integrate data elements. The Director shall consult with agencies, the regulated community, public interest organizations, and the public on the implementation of the pilot projects. (2) GOALS OF PILOT PROJECTS.— (A) IN GENERAL. —Each goal described under subparagraph (B) shall be addressed by at least 1 pilot project each. (B) GOALS. —The goals under this paragraph are to— (i) reduce information collection burdens by eliminating duplicative data elements within 2 or more reporting requirements; (ii) create interoperability between or among public datalaases managed by 2 or more agencies using technologies and techniques that facilitate public access; and (iii) develop, or enable the development of, software to reduce errors in electronically submitted information. (3) INPUT. —Each pilot project shall seek input from users on the utility of the pilot project and areas for improvement. To the extent practicable, the Director shall consult with relevant agencies and State, tribal, and local governments in carrying out the report and pilot projects under this section. (e) PROTECTIONS.— The activities authorized under this section shall afford protections for— (1) confidential business information consistent with section 552(b)(4) of title 5, United States Code, and other relevant law; (2) personal privacy information under sections 552(b)(6) and (7)(C) and 552a of title 5, United States Code, and other relevant law; (3) other information consistent with section 552(b)(3) of title 5, United States Code, and other relevant law; and (4) confidential statistical information collected under a confidentiality pledge, solely for statistical purposes, consistent with the Office of Management and Budget's Federal Statisticed Confidentiality Order, and other relevant law. SEC. 213. COMMUNITY TECHNOLOGY CENTERS. 44 USC 3501 (a) PURPOSES.— The purposes of this section are to— ^°^' (1) study and enhance the effectiveness of community technology centers, public libraries, and other institutions that provide computer and Internet access to the public; and 99-194O-03 - 17A:QL3Part4