Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/84

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116 STAT. 2512 PUBLIC LAW 107-314—DEC. 2, 2002 of the contract, exercise of an option, or other cause, may not exceed three years". Subtitle D—Workplace and Depot Issues SEC. 331. NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH REQUIRED STUDIES FOR CONVERSION OF COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL TYPE FUNCTIONS TO CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE. Subsection (c) of section 2461 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: Reports. " (c) SUBMISSION OF ANALYSIS RESULTS.— (1) Upon the completion of an analysis of a commercial or industrial type function described in subsection (a) for possible change to performance by the private sector, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress a report containing the results of the analysis, including the results of the examinations required by subsection (b)(3). "(2) The report shall also contain the following: "(A) The date when the analysis of the function was commenced. "(B) The Secretary's certification that the Government calculation of the cost of performance of the function by Department of Defense civilian employees is based on an estimate of the most cost effective manner for performance of the function by Department of Defense civilian employees. "(C) The number of Department of Defense civilian employees who were performing the function when the analysis was commenced and the number of such employees whose employment was or will be terminated or otherwise affected by changing to performance of the function by the private sector or by implementation of the most efficient organization of the function. "(D) The Secretary's certification that the factors considered in the examinations performed under subsection (b)(3), and in the making of the decision regarding changing to performance of the function by the private sector or retaining performance in the most efficient organization of the function, did not include any predetermined personnel constraint or limitation in terms of man years, end strength, full-time equivalent positions, or maximum number of employees. "(E) A statement of the potential economic effect of implementing the decision regarding changing to performance of the function by the private sector or retaining performance in the most efficient organization of the function on each affected local community, as determined in the examination under subsection (b)(3)(B)(ii). "(F) A schedule for completing the change to performance of the function by the private sector or implementing the most efficient organization of the function. "(G) In the case of a commercial or industrial type function performed at a Center of Industrial and Technical Excellence designated under section 2474(a) of this title or an Army ammunition plant, a description of the effect that the manner of performance of the function, and administration of the resulting contract if any, will have on the overhead costs of the center or ammunition plant, as the case may be.