Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/1471

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[117 STAT. 1452]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 1452]

117 STAT. 1452

10 USC 115 note.

PUBLIC LAW 108–136—NOV. 24, 2003

(3) in subsection (c), as redesignated and transferred by subsection (a)(1), by inserting ‘‘MILITARY TECHNICIAN (DUAL STATUS) END STRENGTHS TO BE AUTHORIZED BY LAW.—’’ after ‘‘(c)’’; (4) in subsection (e), as redesignated and transferred by subsection (a)(1), by inserting ‘‘AUTHORITY FOR SECRETARY OF DEFENSE VARIANCES FOR ACTIVE-DUTY AND SELECTED RESERVE END STRENGTHS.—’’ after ‘‘(e)’’; (5) in subsection (f)— (A) by inserting ‘‘AUTHORITY FOR SERVICE SECRETARY VARIANCES FOR ACTIVE-DUTY END STRENGTHS.—’’ after ‘‘(f)’’; and (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘subsection (c)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘subsection (e)(1)’’; (6) in subsection (g), as redesignated and transferred by subsection (a)(1), by inserting ‘‘ADJUSTMENT WHEN COAST GUARD IS OPERATING AS A SERVICE IN THE NAVY.—’’ after ‘‘(g)’’; and (7) in subsection (h), as redesignated and transferred by subsection (a)(2), by inserting ‘‘CERTAIN ACTIVE-DUTY PERSONNEL EXCLUDED FROM COUNTING FOR ACTIVE-DUTY END STRENGTHS.—’’ after ‘‘(h)’’. (c) CROSS REFERENCE AMENDMENTS.—Section 10216 of such title is amended by striking ‘‘section 115(g)’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘section 115(c)’’. (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—Subsection (d) of section 115 of title 10, United States Code, as added by subsection (a)(3), shall apply with respect to the budget request for fiscal year 2005 and thereafter.

Subtitle B—Reserve Forces 10 USC 12001 note.

VerDate 11-MAY-2000

10:15 Aug 27, 2004


(a) IN GENERAL.—The Armed Forces are authorized strengths for Selected Reserve personnel of the reserve components as of September 30, 2004, as follows: (1) The Army National Guard of the United States, 350,000. (2) The Army Reserve, 205,000. (3) The Naval Reserve, 85,900. (4) The Marine Corps Reserve, 39,600. (5) The Air National Guard of the United States, 107,030. (6) The Air Force Reserve, 75,800. (7) The Coast Guard Reserve, 10,000. (b) ADJUSTMENTS.—The end strengths prescribed by subsection (a) for the Selected Reserve of any reserve component shall be proportionately reduced by— (1) the total authorized strength of units organized to serve as units of the Selected Reserve of such component which are on active duty (other than for training) at the end of the fiscal year; and (2) the total number of individual members not in units organized to serve as units of the Selected Reserve of such component who are on active duty (other than for training or for unsatisfactory participation in training) without their consent at the end of the fiscal year.

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