Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/2267

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[117 STAT. 2248]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 2248]

117 STAT. 2248

PUBLIC LAW 108–173—DEC. 8, 2003 ‘‘(C) SELECTING PHYSICIAN DEFINED.—For purposes of this section, the term ‘selecting physician’ means, with respect to a contractor and category and competitive acquisition area, a physician who has elected this section to apply and has selected to apply under this section such contractor for such category and area. ‘‘(b) PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS.— ‘‘(1) CONTRACT FOR COMPETITIVELY BIDDABLE DRUGS AND BIOLOGICALS.—The Secretary shall conduct a competition among entities for the acquisition of competitively biddable drugs and biologicals. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, in the case of a multiple source drug, the Secretary shall conduct such competition among entities for the acquisition of at least one competitively biddable drug and biological within each billing and payment code within each category for each competitive acquisition area. ‘‘(2) CONDITIONS FOR AWARDING CONTRACT.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may not award a contract to any entity under the competition conducted in a competitive acquisition area pursuant to paragraph (1) with respect to the acquisition of competitively biddable drugs and biologicals within a category unless the Secretary finds that the entity meets all of the following with respect to the contract period involved: ‘‘(i) CAPACITY TO SUPPLY COMPETITIVELY BIDDABLE DRUG OR BIOLOGICAL WITHIN CATEGORY.— ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—The entity has sufficient arrangements to acquire and to deliver competitively biddable drugs and biologicals within such category in the area specified in the contract. ‘‘(II) SHIPMENT METHODOLOGY.—The entity has arrangements in effect for the shipment at least 5 days each week of competitively biddable drugs and biologicals under the contract and for the timely delivery (including for emergency situations) of such drugs and biologicals in the area under the contract. ‘‘(ii) QUALITY, SERVICE, FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND SOLVENCY STANDARDS.—The entity meets quality, service, financial performance, and solvency standards specified by the Secretary, including— ‘‘(I) the establishment of procedures for the prompt response and resolution of complaints of physicians and individuals and of inquiries regarding the shipment of competitively biddable drugs and biologicals; and ‘‘(II) a grievance and appeals process for the resolution of disputes. ‘‘(B) ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS.—The Secretary may refuse to award a contract under this section, and may terminate such a contract, with an entity based upon— ‘‘(i) the suspension or revocation, by the Federal Government or a State government, of the entity’s license for the distribution of drugs or biologicals (including controlled substances); or ‘‘(ii) the exclusion of the entity under section 1128 from participation under this title.

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