Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/2876

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[117 STAT. 2857]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 2857]

PUBLIC LAW 108–189—DEC. 19, 2003

117 STAT. 2857

is recorded a notice communicating the fact of military service and the desire to hold the mining claim under this section. ‘‘SEC. 505. MINERAL PERMITS AND LEASES.

50 USC app. 565.

‘‘(a) SUSPENSION DURING MILITARY SERVICE.—A person holding a permit or lease on the public domain under the Federal mineral leasing laws who enters military service may suspend all operations under the permit or lease for the duration of military service and for 180 days thereafter. The term of the permit or lease shall not run during the period of suspension, nor shall any rental or royalties be charged against the permit or lease during the period of suspension. ‘‘(b) NOTIFICATION.—In order to obtain the protection of this section, the permittee or lessee shall, within 180 days after entry into military service, notify the Secretary of the Interior by registered mail of the fact that military service has begun and of the desire to hold the claim under this section. ‘‘(c) CONTRACT MODIFICATION.—This section shall not be construed to supersede the terms of any contract for operation of a permit or lease. ‘‘SEC. 506. PERFECTION OR DEFENSE OF RIGHTS.


50 USC app. 566.

‘‘(a) RIGHT TO TAKE ACTION NOT AFFECTED.—This title shall not affect the right of a servicemember to take action during a period of military service that is authorized by law or regulations of the Department of the Interior, for the perfection, defense, or further assertion of rights initiated or acquired before entering military service. ‘‘(b) AFFIDAVITS AND PROOFS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A servicemember during a period of military service may make any affidavit or submit any proof required by law, practice, or regulation of the Department of the Interior in connection with the entry, perfection, defense, or further assertion of rights initiated or acquired before entering military service before an officer authorized to provide notary services under section 1044a of title 10, United States Code, or any superior commissioned officer. ‘‘(2) LEGAL STATUS OF AFFIDAVITS.—Such affidavits shall be binding in law and subject to the same penalties as prescribed by section 1001 of title 18, United State Code. ‘‘SEC. 507. DISTRIBUTION OF INFORMATION CONCERNING BENEFITS OF TITLE.

50 USC app. 567.

‘‘(a) DISTRIBUTION OF INFORMATION BY SECRETARY CONCERNED.—The Secretary concerned shall issue to servicemembers information explaining the provisions of this title. ‘‘(b) APPLICATION FORMS.—The Secretary concerned shall provide application forms to servicemembers requesting relief under this title. ‘‘(c) INFORMATION FROM SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR.—The Secretary of the Interior shall furnish to the Secretary concerned information explaining the provisions of this title (other than sections 501, 510, and 511) and related application forms. ‘‘SEC. 508. LAND RIGHTS OF SERVICEMEMBERS.

50 USC app. 568.

‘‘(a) NO AGE LIMITATIONS.—Any servicemember under the age of 21 in military service shall be entitled to the same rights under the laws relating to lands owned or controlled by the United States,

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