117 STAT. 494
PUBLIC LAW 108–7—FEB. 20, 2003
national homeless data analysis project: Provided further, That $6,600,000 of the funds appropriated under this heading shall be available for technical assistance: Provided further, That no less than $1,500,000 of the funds appropriated under this heading shall be transferred to the Working Capital Fund for the development of and modifications to information technology systems which serve activities under ‘‘Community planning and development’’: Provided further, That of the total amount provided under this heading, $10,000,000 shall be made available for a 2-year grant demonstration program to be conducted in consultation with the Interagency Council on the Homeless. HOUSING PROGRAMS HOUSING FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS
For assistance for the purchase, construction, acquisition, or development of additional public and subsidized housing units for low income families not otherwise provided for, $1,033,801,000, to remain available until September 30, 2006: Provided, That $783,286,000, plus recaptures or cancelled commitments, shall be for capital advances, including amendments to capital advance contracts, for housing for the elderly, as authorized by section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959, as amended, and for project rental assistance for the elderly under section 202(c)(2) of such Act, including amendments to contracts for such assistance and renewal of expiring contracts for such assistance for up to a 1-year term, and for supportive services associated with the housing, of which amount $50,000,000 shall be for service coordinators and the continuation of existing congregate service grants for residents of assisted housing projects, and of which amount up to $25,000,000 shall be for grants under section 202b of the Housing Act of 1959 (12 U.S.C. 1701q–2) for conversion of eligible projects under such section to assisted living or related use: Provided further, That of the amount under this heading, $250,515,000 shall be for capital advances, including amendments to capital advance contracts, for supportive housing for persons with disabilities, as authorized by section 811 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, for project rental assistance for supportive housing for persons with disabilities under section 811(d)(2) of such Act, including amendments to contracts for such assistance and renewal of expiring contracts for such assistance for up to a 1-year term, and for supportive services associated with the housing for persons with disabilities as authorized by section 811(b)(1) of such Act, and for tenant-based rental assistance contracts entered into pursuant to section 811 of such Act: Provided further, That of the amount made available under this heading, $25,000,000 shall be available to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development only for making grants to private nonprofit organizations and consumer cooperatives for covering costs of architectural and engineering work, site control, and other planning relating to the development of supportive housing for the elderly that is eligible for assistance under section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 (12 U.S.C. 1701q): Provided further, That amounts made available in the previous proviso shall be awarded on a competitive basis as provided in section 102 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
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