Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/567

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[117 STAT. 548]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 548]

117 STAT. 548

PUBLIC LAW 108–7—FEB. 20, 2003

transferred to the National Forest System account, $20,000,000 shall be transferred to the Brush Disposal Account, $30,000,000 shall be transferred to the Working Capital Fund of the Forest Service, $4,000,000 shall be transferred to the Receipts for Road and Trail fund, $1,000,000 shall be transferred to the Operations and Maintenance of Quarters fund, and $14,000,000 shall be transferred to the Forest Service Recreation Fee Demonstration fund. TITLE IV—TANF AND MEDICARE

116 Stat. 1492.

116 Stat. 1495.

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13:45 Aug 26, 2004

SEC. 401. Section 114 of Public Law 107–229, as amended by section 3 of Public Law 107–240 and by section 2 of Public Law 107–294, is amended— (1) by striking ‘‘the date specified in section 107(c) of this joint resolution’’ and inserting ‘‘June 30, 2003’’; and (2) by striking ‘‘: Provided further, That notwithstanding’’ and all that follows through the period and inserting a period. SEC. 402. (a) Section 1848(i)(1)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w–4(i)(1)(C) is amended to read as follows: ‘‘(C) the determination of conversion factors under subsection (d), including without limitation a prospective redetermination of the sustainable growth rates for any or all previous fiscal years,’’. (b)(1) Notwithstanding the determination of the applicable standardized amounts under paragraph (3)(A) of section 1886(d) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395ww(d)), for purposes of making payments under such section for discharges occurring during the period beginning on April 1, 2003, and ending on September 30, 2003, the standardized amount applicable under such paragraph for hospitals located other than in a large urban area for that period shall be increased to an amount equal to the standardized amount otherwise applicable under such paragraph for hospitals located in a large urban area for that period. (2) The increase in the standardized amount for hospitals located other than in a large urban area provided for under paragraph (1) for the period beginning on April 1, 2003, and ending on September 30, 2003, shall not apply to discharges occurring after such period, and shall not be taken into account in calculating the payment amounts applicable for discharges occurring after such period. SEC. 403. Section 136 of Public Law 107–229, as added by section 5 of Public Law 107–240, is amended by striking ‘‘60 days after the date specified in section 107(c) of Public Law 107–229, as amended’’ and inserting ‘‘September 30, 2003’’. SEC. 404. Notwithstanding Rule 3 of the Budget Scorekeeping Guidelines set forth in the joint explanatory statement of the committee of conference accompanying Conference Report 105–217, the provisions of this title that would have been estimated by the Office of Management and Budget as changing direct spending or receipts under section 252 of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 were they included in an Act other than an appropriations Act shall be treated as direct spending or receipts legislation, as appropriate, under section 252 of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, and by the Chairmen of the House and Senate Budget Committees, as appropriate, under the Congressional Budget Act of 1974.

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