Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/768

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[117 STAT. 749]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 749]

PUBLIC LAW 108–25—MAY 27, 2003

117 STAT. 749

heavily indebted poor countries presented in the Report of G–7 Finance Ministers on the Cologne Debt Initiative to the Cologne Economic Summit, Cologne, June 18–20, 1999.’’. SEC. 502. REPORT ON EXPANSION OF DEBT RELIEF TO NON-HIPC COUNTRIES.

22 USC 7681.

(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit to Congress a report on— (1) the options and costs associated with the expansion of debt relief provided by the Enhanced HIPC Initiative to include poor countries that were not eligible for inclusion in the Enhanced HIPC Initiative; (2) options for burden-sharing among donor countries and multilateral institutions of costs associated with the expansion of debt relief; and (3) options, in addition to debt relief, to ensure debt sustainability in poor countries, particularly in cases when the poor country has suffered an external economic shock or a natural disaster. (b) SPECIFIC OPTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED.—Among the options for the expansion of debt relief provided by the Enhanced HIPC Initiative, consideration should be given to making eligible for that relief poor countries for which outstanding public and publicly guaranteed debt requires annual payments in excess of 10 percent or, in the case of a country suffering a public health crisis (as defined in section 1625(e) of the Financial Institutions Act, as added by section 501 of this Act), not more than 5 percent, of the amount of the annual current revenues received by the country from internal resources. (c) ENHANCED HIPC INITIATIVE DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘Enhanced HIPC Initiative’’ means the multilateral debt initiative for heavily indebted poor countries presented in the Report of G–7 Finance Ministers on the Cologne Debt Initiative to the Cologne Economic Summit, Cologne, June 18–20, 1999.



22 USC 7682.

(a) IN GENERAL.—There are authorized to be appropriated to the President such sums as may be necessary for the fiscal year 2004 and each fiscal year thereafter to carry out section 1625 of the International Financial Institutions Act, as added by section 501 of this Act.

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