Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/808

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[117 STAT. 789]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 789]

PUBLIC LAW 108–34—JUNE 23, 2003

117 STAT. 789

(d) AVAILABILITY OF AMOUNTS FROM THE FUND.—The funds authorized to be appropriated pursuant to section 3104(b)(2) and funds contributed by the State of Arizona pursuant to paragraph 7.6 of the Settlement Agreement shall be available for expenditure or withdrawal only after the requirements of section 9(a) have been met. (e) EXPENDITURES AND WITHDRAWAL.— (1) TRIBAL MANAGEMENT PLAN.— (A) IN GENERAL.—The Zuni Tribe may withdraw all or part of the Fund on approval by the Secretary of a tribal management plan as described in the Trust Fund Reform Act. (B) REQUIREMENTS.—In addition to the requirements under the Trust Fund Reform Act, the tribal management plan shall require that the Zuni Tribe spend any funds in accordance with the purposes described in section 4(b). (2) ENFORCEMENT.—The Secretary may take judicial or administrative action to enforce the provisions of any tribal management plan to ensure that any monies withdrawn from the Fund under the plan are used in accordance with this Act. (3) LIABILITY.—If the Zuni Tribe exercises the right to withdraw monies from the Fund, neither the Secretary nor the Secretary of the Treasury shall retain any liability for the expenditure or investment of the monies withdrawn. (4) EXPENDITURE PLAN.— (A) IN GENERAL.—The Zuni Tribe shall submit to the Secretary for approval an expenditure plan for any portion of the funds made available under this Act that the Zuni Tribe does not withdraw under this subsection. (B) DESCRIPTION.—The expenditure plan shall describe the manner in which, and the purposes for which, funds of the Zuni Tribe remaining in the Fund will be used. (C) APPROVAL.—On receipt of an expenditure plan under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall approve the plan if the Secretary determines that the plan is reasonable and consistent with this Act. (5) ANNUAL REPORT.—The Zuni Tribe shall submit to the Secretary an annual report that describes all expenditures from the Fund during the year covered by the report. (f) FUNDS FOR ACQUISITION OF WATER RIGHTS.— (1) WATER RIGHTS ACQUISITIONS.—Notwithstanding subsection (e), the funds authorized to be appropriated pursuant to section 4(b)(1)— (A) shall be available upon appropriation for use in accordance with section 4(b)(1); and (B) shall be distributed by the Secretary to the Zuni Tribe on receipt by the Secretary from the Zuni Tribe of a written notice and a tribal council resolution that describe the purposes for which the funds will be used. (2) RIGHT TO SET OFF.—In the event the requirements of section 9(a) have not been met and the Settlement Agreement has become null and void under section 9(b), the United States shall be entitled to set off any funds expended or withdrawn from the amount appropriated pursuant to section 4(b)(1), together with any interest accrued, against any claims asserted

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