Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/1438

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118 STAT. 1408 PUBLIC LAW 108–355—OCT. 21, 2004 (viii) by striking paragraph (8) (as so redesignated) and inserting the following: ‘‘(8) offer access to services and care to youth with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds;’’; and (ix) by striking paragraph (9) (as so redesignated) and inserting the following: ‘‘(9) conduct annual self evaluations of outcomes and activi ties, including consulting with interested families and advocacy organizations;’’; (E) by striking subsection (d) and inserting the fol lowing: ‘‘(d) USE OF FUNDS.—Amounts provided under a grant or cooperative agreement under this section shall be used to supple ment, and not supplant, Federal and non Federal funds available for carrying out the activities described in this section. Applicants shall provide financial information to demonstrate compliance with this section.’’; (F) in subsection (e)— (i) by striking ‘‘, contract,’’; and (ii) by inserting after ‘‘Secretary that the’’ the fol lowing: ‘‘application complies with the State sponsored statewide early intervention and prevention strategy as developed under section 520E and the’’; (G) in subsection (f), by striking ‘‘, contracts,’’; (H) in subsection (g)— (i) by striking ‘‘A State’’ and all that follows through ‘‘organization receiving’’ and inserting ‘‘A public organization, private nonprofit organization, political subdivision, consortium of political subdivi sions, consortium of States, or Federally recognized Indian tribe or tribal organization receiving’’; and (ii) by striking ‘‘, contract,’’ each place such term appears; (I) in subsection (h), by striking ‘‘, contracts,’’; (J) in subsection (i)— (i) by striking ‘‘A State’’ and all that follows through ‘‘organization receiving’’ and inserting ‘‘A public organization, private nonprofit organization, political subdivision, consortium of political subdivi sions, consortium of States, or Federally recognized Indian tribe or tribal organization receiving’’; and (ii) by striking ‘‘, contract,’’; (K) in subsection (k), by striking ‘‘5 years’’ and inserting ‘‘3 years’’; (L) in subsection (l)— (i) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘21’’ and inserting ‘‘24’’; and (ii) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘which might have been’’; (M) in subsection (m)— (i) by striking ‘‘APPROPRIATION.—’’ and all that follows through ‘‘For’’ in paragraph (1) and inserting ‘‘APPROPRIATION.—For’’; and (ii) by striking paragraph (2); (N) by redesignating subsection (m) as subsection (n); and (O) by inserting after subsection (l) the following: