Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/1561

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118 STAT. 1531 PUBLIC LAW 108–357—OCT. 22, 2004 (C) Any adjustments to the percentage allocations among the classes of tobacco products made pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of subsection (c). (D) The volume of gross sales of the applicable class of tobacco product treated as made by the manufacturer or importer for purposes of calculating the manufacturer’s or importer’s market share under subsection (f). (E) The total volume of gross sales of the applicable class of tobacco product that the Secretary treated as made by all manufacturers and importers for purposes of calcu lating the manufacturer’s or importer’s market share under subsection (f). (F) The manufacturer’s or importer’s market share of the applicable class of tobacco product, as determined by the Secretary under subsection (f). (G) The market share, as determined by the Secretary under subsection (f), of each other manufacturer and importer, for each applicable class of tobacco product. (3) TIMING OF ASSESSMENT PAYMENTS.— (A) COLLECTION DATE.—Assessments shall be collected at the end of each calendar year quarter, except that the Secretary shall ensure that the final assessment due under this section is collected not later than September 30, 2014. (B) BASE PERIOD QUARTER.—The assessment for a cal endar year quarter shall correspond to the base period quarter that ended at the end of the preceding calendar year quarter. (e) ALLOCATION OF ASSESSMENT WITHIN EACH CLASS OF TOBACCO PRODUCT.— (1) PRO RATA BASIS.—The assessment for each class of tobacco product specified in subsection (c)(1) shall be allocated on a pro rata basis among manufacturers and importers based on each manufacturer’s or importer’s share of gross domestic volume. (2) LIMITATION.—No manufacturer or importer shall be required to pay an assessment that is based on a share that is in excess of the manufacturer’s or importer’s share of domestic volume. (f) ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ASSESSMENTS BY MARKET SHARE.— The amount of the assessment for each class of tobacco product specified in subsection (c)(1) to be paid by each manufacturer or importer of that class of tobacco product shall be determined for each quarterly payment period by multiplying— (1) the market share of the manufacturer or importer, as calculated with respect to that payment period, of the class of tobacco product; by (2) the total amount of the assessment for that quarterly payment period under subsection (c), for the class of tobacco product. (g) DETERMINATION OF VOLUME OF DOMESTIC SALES.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The calculation of the volume of domestic sales of a class of tobacco product by a manufacturer or importer, and by all manufacturers and importers as a group, shall be made by the Secretary based on information provided by the manufacturers and importers pursuant to subsection (h), as well as any other relevant information provided to or obtained by the Secretary. Deadline.