Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/1821

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118 STAT. 1791 PUBLIC LAW 108–374—OCT. 27, 2004 general circulation and 1 time in such tribal newspaper or newsletter; ‘‘(bb) posting such notice in a conspicuous place in the tribal headquarters or administra tion building (or such other tribal building determined by the Secretary to be most appro priate for giving public notice) of the Indian tribe with jurisdiction over the parcel of land, if any; and ‘‘(cc) in addition to the foregoing, in the Secretary’s discretion, publishing notice in any other place or means that the Secretary deter mines to be appropriate. ‘‘(G) REVIEW OF COMMENTS ON APPRAISAL.— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—After reviewing and considering comments or information timely submitted by any owner of an interest in the parcel in response to the notice required under subparagraph (F), the Secretary may, consistent with the provisions of this Act for establishing fair market value— ‘‘(I) order a new appraisal; or ‘‘(II) approve the appraisal; provided that if the Secretary orders a new appraisal under subclause (I), notice of the new appraisal shall be given as specified in clause (ii). ‘‘(ii) NOTICE.—Notice shall be given— ‘‘(I) in accordance with subparagraph (H), where the new appraisal results in a higher valu ation of the land; or ‘‘(II) in accordance with subparagraph (F)(ii), where the new appraisal results in a lower valu ation of the land. ‘‘(H) NOTICE TO OWNERS OF APPROVAL OF APPRAISAL AND RIGHT TO APPEAL.—Upon making the determination under subparagraph (G), the Secretary shall provide to the Indian tribe with jurisdiction over the subject land and to all persons who submitted written comments on or objections to the proposed partition or appraisal, a writ ten notice to be served on such tribe and persons by cer tified mail. Such notice shall state— ‘‘(i) the results of the appraisal; ‘‘(ii) that the owner has the right to review a copy of the appraisal upon request; ‘‘(iii) that the land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, subject to the consent require ments under paragraph (2)(D); ‘‘(iv) the time of the sale or for submitting bids under subparagraph (I); ‘‘(v) that the owner has the right, under the Sec retary’s regulations governing administrative appeals, to pursue an administrative appeal from— ‘‘(I) the determination that the land may be partitioned by sale under the provisions of this section; and ‘‘(II) the Secretary’s order approving the appraisal;