Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/1826

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118 STAT. 1796 PUBLIC LAW 108–374—OCT. 27, 2004 interests, or against the land, the interest or the United States, unless such lease— ‘‘(1) is consistent with, and entered into in accordance with, the requirements of this section; or ‘‘(2) has been approved by the Secretary in accordance with other Federal laws applicable to the leasing of trust or restricted land. ‘‘(f) LEASE REVENUES.—The Secretary shall not be responsible for the collection of, or accounting for, any lease revenues accruing to any interests under a lease authorized by subsection (e), so long as such interest is in owner managed status under the provi sions of this section. ‘‘(g) JURISDICTION.— ‘‘(1) JURISDICTION UNAFFECTED BY STATUS.—The Indian tribe with jurisdiction over an interest in trust or restricted land that becomes owner managed pursuant to this section shall continue to have jurisdiction over the interest to the same extent and in all respects that such tribe had prior to the interest acquiring owner managed status. ‘‘(2) PERSONS USING LAND.—Any person holding, leasing, or otherwise using such interest in land shall be considered to consent to the jurisdiction of the Indian tribe referred to in paragraph (1), including such tribe’s laws and regulations, if any, relating to the use, and any effects associated with the use, of the interest. ‘‘(h) CONTINUATION OF OWNER MANAGED STATUS; REVOCA TION.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), after the applications of the owners of all of the trust or restricted interests in a parcel of land have been approved by the Secretary pursuant to subsection (d), each such interest shall continue in owner managed status under this section not withstanding any subsequent conveyance of the interest in trust or restricted status to another person or the subsequent descent of the interest in trust or restricted status by testate or intestate succession to 1 or more heirs. ‘‘(2) REVOCATION.—Owner managed status of an interest may be revoked upon written request of the owners (including the parents or legal guardians of minors or incompetent owners) of all trust or restricted interests in the parcel, submitted to the Secretary in accordance with regulations adopted under subsection (l). The revocation shall become effective as of the date on which the last of all such requests has been delivered to the Secretary. ‘‘(3) EFFECT OF REVOCATION.—Revocation of owner man aged status under paragraph (2) shall not affect the validity of any lease made in accordance with the provisions of this section prior to the effective date of the revocation, provided that, after such revocation becomes effective, the Secretary shall be responsible for the collection of, and accounting for, all future lease revenues accruing to the trust or restricted interests in the parcel from and after such effective date. ‘‘(i) DEFINED TERMS.— ‘‘(1) For purposes of subsection (d)(1), the term ‘qualified applicant’ means— ‘‘(A) a person over the age of 18 who owns a trust or restricted interest in a parcel of land; and