Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/2054

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118 STAT. 2024 PUBLIC LAW 108–375—OCT. 28, 2004 (1) An examination of the past and current roles and authorities of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering. (2) An analysis to determine appropriate future roles and authorities for the Director, including an analysis of the fol lowing matters: (A) The relationship of the Director to other senior science and technology and acquisition officials of the mili tary departments and the Defense Agencies (B) The relationship of the Director to the performance of the following functions: (i) The planning, programming, and budgeting of the science and technology programs of the Department of Defense, including those of the military departments and the Defense Agencies. (ii) The management of Department of Defense laboratories and technical centers, including the management of the Federal Government scientific and technical workforce for such laboratories and centers. (iii) The promotion of the rapid transition of tech nologies to acquisition programs within the Depart ment of Defense. (iv) The promotion of the transfer of technologies into and from the commercial sector. (v) The coordination of Department of Defense science and technology activities with organizations outside the Department of Defense, including other Federal Government agencies, international research organizations, industry, and academia. (vi) The technical review of Department of Defense acquisition programs and policies. (vii) The training and educational activities for the national scientific and technical workforce. (viii) The development of science and technology policies and programs relating to the maintenance of the national technology and industrial base. (ix) The development of new technologies in sup port of the transformation of the Armed Forces. (3) An examination of the duties of the Director as the Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Defense as pre scribed by Department of Defense Directive 5134.3, dated November 3, 2003, especially in comparison to the duties of similar positions in the Federal Government and industry. (4) An examination of any other matter that the Secretary considers appropriate for the study. (c) REPORT.—(1) Not later than February 1, 2006, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representa tives a report on the results of the study under this section. (2) The report shall include recommendations regarding the appropriate roles and authorities that should be assigned and resources that should be provided to the Director of Defense Research and Engineering. (d) ROLE OF DEFENSE SCIENCE BOARD IN STUDY AND REPORT.— The Secretary shall act through the Defense Science Board in carrying out the study under subsection (a) and in preparing the report under subsection (c).