Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/2058

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118 STAT. 2028 PUBLIC LAW 108–375—OCT. 28, 2004 of Representatives a report on the results of the review and assess ment under subsection (c). The report shall include— (1) the findings and conclusions of the panel on the future national security space launch requirements of the United States, including means of meeting such requirements; (2) the assessment of panel, and any recommendations of the panel, on— (A) launch operational concepts and architectures; (B) launch technologies; (C) launch enabling technologies; and (D) priorities for funding; and (3) the assessment of the panel as to the best means of meeting the future national security space launch require ments of the United States. (f) TERMINATION.—The panel shall terminate 16 months after the date of the first meeting of the panel under subsection (b)(4). (g) FUNDING.—Amounts authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Defense shall be available to the Secretary of Defense for purposes of the contract required by subsection (a). SEC. 913. OPERATIONALLY RESPONSIVE NATIONAL SECURITY SAT ELLITES. (a) PLANNING, PROGRAMMING, AND MANAGEMENT.—(1) Chapter 135 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2273 the following new section: ‘‘§ 2273a. Operationally responsive national security payloads and buses: separate program element required ‘‘(a) REQUIREMENT FOR PROGRAM ELEMENT.—The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that, within budget program elements for space programs of the Department of Defense, there is a separate, dedicated program element for operationally responsive national security payloads and buses of the Department of Defense for space satellites and that programs and activities for such payloads and buses are planned, programmed, and budgeted for through that program element. ‘‘(b) MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY.—The Secretary of Defense shall assign management authority for the program element required under subsection (a) to the Director of the Office of Force Trans formation of the Department of Defense. ‘‘(c) DEFINITION OF OPERATIONALLY RESPONSIVE.—In this sec tion, the term ‘operationally responsive’, with respect to a national security payload and bus for a space satellite, means an experi mental or operational payload and bus with a weight not in excess of 5,000 pounds that— ‘‘(1) can be developed and acquired within 18 months after authority to proceed with development is granted; and ‘‘(2) is responsive to requirements for capabilities at the operational and tactical levels of warfare.’’. (2) The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 2273 the following new item: ‘‘2273a. Operationally responsive national security payloads and buses: separate program element required.’’. (b) TIME FOR IMPLEMENTATION.—Subsection (a) of section 2273a of title 10, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), shall apply with respect to fiscal years after fiscal year 2005. 10 USC 2273a note.