Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/2101

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118 STAT. 2071 PUBLIC LAW 108–375—OCT. 28, 2004 (B) The best estimate of the Secretary of Defense of the total number of detainees released from the custody of the Department during the period covered by the report. (C) An aggregate summary of the number of persons detained as enemy prisoners of war, civilian internees, and unlawful combatants, including information regarding the average length of detention for persons in each cat egory. (D) An aggregate summary of the nationality of persons detained. (E) Aggregate information as to the transfer of detainees to the jurisdiction of other countries, and the countries to which transferred. (d) CLASSIFICATION OF REPORTS.—Reports submitted under this section shall be submitted, to the extent practicable, in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex as necessary to protect the national security of the United States. (e) TERMINATION.—The requirements of this section shall cease to be in effect on December 31, 2007. SEC. 1094. FINDINGS AND SENSE OF CONGRESS CONCERNING ARMY SPECIALIST JOSEPH DARBY. (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the following findings: (1) The need to act in accord with one’s conscience, risking one’s career and even the esteem of one’s colleagues by pursuing what is right is especially important today. (2) While the Department of Defense investigates the hor rific abuses in American detention facilities in Iraq, the Nation should bear in mind that the abuses were only brought to light because of the courage of an American soldier. (3) By alerting his superiors to abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Army Specialist Joseph Darby demonstrated the courage to speak out and do what is right for his country. (4) Such an action is especially important in light of the many challenges facing the country. (5) Specialist Darby deserves the Nation’s thanks for speaking up and for standing up for what is right. (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of Congress that— (1) the Secretary of Defense should make every protection available to Army Specialist Joseph Darby and others who demonstrate such courage; and (2) Specialist Darby should be commended appropriately by the Secretary of the Army. TITLE XI—CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MATTERS Sec. 1101. Payment of Federal employee health benefit premiums for mobilized Federal employees. Sec. 1102. Foreign language proficiency pay. Sec. 1103. Pay and performance appraisal parity for civilian intelligence personnel. Sec. 1104. Pay parity for senior executives in defense nonappropriated fund instru mentalities. Sec. 1105. Science, mathematics, and research for transformation (SMART) defense scholarship pilot program. Sec. 1106. Report on how to recruit and retain individuals with foreign language skills. Sec. 1107. Plan on implementation and utilization of flexible personnel manage ment authorities in Department of Defense laboratories.