118 STAT. 203 PUBLIC LAW 108–199—JAN. 23, 2004 ‘‘SEC. 1504. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. ‘‘(a) ACHIEVEMENT OF CERTAIN POLICY GOALS.—The Secretary of the Treasury should instruct the United States Executive Director at each multilateral development institution to inform the institu tion of the following United States policy goals, and use the voice and vote of the United States to achieve the goals at the institution before June 30, 2005: ‘‘(1) No later than 60 calendar days after the Board of Directors of the institution approves the minutes of a Board meeting, the institution shall post on its website an electronic version of the minutes, with material deemed too sensitive for public distribution redacted. ‘‘(2) The institution shall keep a written transcript or elec tronic recording of each meeting of its Board of Directors and preserve the transcript or recording for at least 10 years after the meeting. ‘‘(3) All public sector loan, credit and grant documents, country assistance strategies, sector strategies, and sector poli cies prepared by the institution and presented for endorsement or approval by its Board of Directors, with materials deemed too sensitive for public distribution redacted or withheld, shall be made available to the public 15 calendar days before consid eration by the Board or, if not then available, when the docu ments are distributed to the Board. Such documents shall include the resources and conditionality necessary to ensure that the borrower complies with applicable laws in carrying out the terms and conditions of such documents, strategies, or policies, including laws pertaining to the integrity and trans parency of the process such as public consultation, and to public health and safety and environmental protection. ‘‘(4) The institution shall post on its website an annual report containing statistical summaries and case studies of the fraud and corruption cases pursued by its investigations unit. ‘‘(5) The institution shall require that any health, edu cation, or poverty focused loan, credit, grant, document, policy, or strategy prepared by the institution includes specific outcome and output indicators to measure results, and that the indica tors and results be published periodically during the execution, and at the completion, of the project or program. ‘‘(6) The institution shall establish a plan and schedule for conducting regular, independent audits of internal manage ment controls and procedures for meeting operational objec tives, complying with Bank policies, and preventing fraud, and making reports describing the scope and findings of such audits available to the public. ‘‘(7) The institution shall establish effective procedures for the receipt, retention, and treatment of: (A) complaints received by the Bank regarding fraud, accounting, mismanagement, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters; and (B) the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of the Bank of concerns regarding fraud, accounting, mismanagement, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters. ‘‘(b) Not later than September 1, 2004, and 6 months thereafter, the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit a report to the appro priate congressional committees describing the actions taken by each multilateral development institution to implement the policy Deadline. Reports. Procedures. Records. Deadline. 22 USC 262o–3.