Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/2413

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118 STAT. 2383 PUBLIC LAW 108–422—NOV. 30, 2004 (2) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘, during the period through December 31, 2004,’’. (b) EXTENSION TO COVER ACTIVE DUTY FOR TRAINING.—Such section is further amended by inserting ‘‘or active duty for training’’ in paragraph (1) before the period at the end. SEC. 302. CENTERS FOR RESEARCH, EDUCATION, AND CLINICAL ACTIVITIES ON COMPLEX MULTI TRAUMA ASSOCIATED WITH COMBAT INJURIES. (a) IN GENERAL.—(1) Subchapter II of chapter 73 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section: ‘‘§ 7327. Centers for research, education, and clinical activi ties on complex multi trauma associated with combat injuries ‘‘(a) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section is to provide for the improvement of the provision of health care services and related rehabilitation and education services to eligible veterans suffering from complex multi trauma associated with combat injuries through— ‘‘(1) the development of improved models and systems for the furnishing by the Department of health care, rehabilitation, and education services to veterans; ‘‘(2) the conduct of research to support the provision of such services in accordance with the most current evidence on multi trauma injuries; and ‘‘(3) the education and training of health care personnel of the Department with respect to the provision of such services. ‘‘(b) DESIGNATION OF CENTERS.—(1) The Secretary shall des ignate an appropriate number of cooperative centers for clinical care, consultation, research, and education activities on combat injuries. ‘‘(2) Each center designated under paragraph (1) shall function as a center for— ‘‘(A) research on the long term effects of injuries sustained as a result of combat in order to support the provision of services for such injuries in accordance with the most current evidence on complex multi trauma; ‘‘(B) the development of rehabilitation methodologies for treating individuals with complex multi trauma; and ‘‘(C) the continuous and consistent coordination of care from the point of referral throughout the rehabilitation process and ongoing follow up after return to home and community. ‘‘(3) The Secretary shall designate one of the centers designated under paragraph (1) as the lead center for activities referred to in that paragraph. As the lead center for such activities, such center shall— ‘‘(A) develop and provide periodic review of research prior ities, and implement protocols, to ensure that projects con tribute to the activities of the centers designated under para graph (1); ‘‘(B) oversee the coordination of the professional and tech nical activities of such centers to ensure the quality and validity of the methodologies and statistical services for research project leaders;