Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/2524

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118 STAT. 2494 PUBLIC LAW 108–429—DEC. 3, 2004 ‘‘ 9902.03.14 Direct blue 307 (pro vided for in sub heading 3204.14.30) Free No change No change On or before 12/31/2006 ’’. SEC. 1318. DIRECT VIOLET 107. Subchapter II of chapter 99 is amended by inserting in numer ical sequence the following new heading: ‘‘ 9902.03.16 Direct violet 107 (provided for in sub heading 3204.14.30) Free No change No change On or before 12/31/2006 ’’. SEC. 1319. FAST BLACK 286 STAGE. Subchapter II of chapter 99 is amended by inserting in numer ical sequence the following new heading: ‘‘ 9902.03.17 1,3 Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 5 [[4 [(7 amino 1 hydroxy 3 sulfo 2 naphthalenyl) azo] 6 sulfo 1 naphthalenyl] azo] , sodium salt (CAS No. 201932–24–3) (pro vided for in sub heading 3204.14.30) Free No change No change On or before 12/31/2006 ’’. SEC. 1320. MIXTURES OF FLUAZINAM. Subchapter II of chapter 99 is amended by inserting in numer ical sequence the following new heading: ‘‘ 9902.03.18 Mixtures of fluazinam (3 chloro N (3 chloro 2,6 dinitro 4 (trifluoromethyl) phenyl 5 (trifluoromethyl) 2 pyridinamine) (CAS No. 79622–59–6) and application adjuvants (provided for in sub heading 3808.20.15) Free No change No change On or before 12/31/2006 ’’. SEC. 1321. PRODIAMINE TECHNICAL. (a) CALENDAR YEAR 2004.—Subchapter II of chapter 99 is amended by inserting in numerical sequence the following new heading: ‘‘ 9902.03.19 Prodiamine (2,6 dinitro N1,N1 dipropyl 4 (trifluoromethyl) 1,3 benzene diamine (CAS No. 29091–21– 2) (provided for in subheading 2921.59.80) ............... 0.53% No change No change On or before 12/31/2004 ’’. (b) CALENDAR YEARS 2005 AND 2006.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Heading 9902.03.19, as added by sub section (a), is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘0.53%’’ and inserting ‘‘Free’’; and