118 STAT. 2516 PUBLIC LAW 108–429—DEC. 3, 2004 ‘‘ 9902.01.51 Iprodione (3 (3,5 dicholorophenyl) N (1 methylethyl) 2,4 dioxo 1 imidazolidinecarbox amide) (CAS No. 36734–19–7) (pro vided for in sub heading 2933.21.00) 4.1% No change No change On or before 12/31/2006 ’’. SEC. 1401. DICHLOROBENZIDINE DIHYDROCHLORIDE. (a) CALENDAR YEAR 2004.—Subchapter II of chapter 99 is amended by inserting in numerical sequence the following new heading: ‘‘ 9902.03.28 3,3′ Dichlorobenzi dine dihydrochloride (CAS No. 612–83–9) (provided for in sub heading 2921.59.80) 6.3% + 0.2 cents/kg No change No change On or before 12/31/2004 ’’. (b) CALENDAR YEARS 2005 AND 2006.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Heading 9902.03.28, as added by sub section (a), is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘6.3% + 0.2 cents/kg’’ and inserting ‘‘5.1%’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘On or before 12/31/2004’’ and inserting ‘‘On or before 12/31/2006’’. (2) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by paragraph (1) shall take effect on January 1, 2005. SEC. 1402. KRESOXIM METHYL. (a) CALENDAR YEAR 2004.—Subchapter II of chapter 99 is amended by inserting in numerical sequence the following new heading: ‘‘ 9902.03.78 Methyl (E) methoxyimino [alpha (o tolyloxy) o tolyl] acetate (kresoxim methyl) (CAS No. 143390– 89–0) (provided for in subheading 2925.20.60) ............... 3.3% No change Free On or before 12/31/2004 ’’. (b) CALENDAR YEARS 2005 AND 2006.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Heading 9902.03.78, as added by sub section (a), is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘3.3%’’ and inserting ‘‘2.4%’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘On or before 12/31/2004’’ and inserting ‘‘On or before 12/31/2006’’. (2) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by paragraph (1) shall take effect on January 1, 2005. SEC. 1403. MKH 6562 ISOCYANATE. Subchapter II of chapter 99 is amended by inserting in numer ical sequence the following new heading: