Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/2801

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118 STAT. 2771 PUBLIC LAW 108–446—DEC. 3, 2004 ‘‘(B) improve the knowledge of special education and regular education teachers and principals and, in appro priate cases, paraprofessionals, concerning effective instruc tional practices, and that— ‘‘(i) provide training in how to teach and address the needs of children with different learning styles and children who are limited English proficient; ‘‘(ii) involve collaborative groups of teachers, administrators, and, in appropriate cases, related serv ices personnel; ‘‘(iii) provide training in methods of— ‘‘(I) positive behavioral interventions and sup ports to improve student behavior in the classroom; ‘‘(II) scientifically based reading instruction, including early literacy instruction; ‘‘(III) early and appropriate interventions to identify and help children with disabilities; ‘‘(IV) effective instruction for children with low incidence disabilities; ‘‘(V) successful transitioning to postsecondary opportunities; and ‘‘(VI) using classroom based techniques to assist children prior to referral for special edu cation; ‘‘(iv) provide training to enable personnel to work with and involve parents in their child’s education, including parents of low income and limited English proficient children with disabilities; ‘‘(v) provide training for special education per sonnel and regular education personnel in planning, developing, and implementing effective and appro priate IEPs; and ‘‘(vi) provide training to meet the needs of students with significant health, mobility, or behavioral needs prior to serving such students; ‘‘(C) train administrators, principals, and other rel evant school personnel in conducting effective IEP meetings; and ‘‘(D) train early intervention, preschool, and related services providers, and other relevant school personnel, in conducting effective individualized family service plan (IFSP) meetings. ‘‘(4) Developing and implementing initiatives to promote the recruitment and retention of highly qualified special edu cation teachers, particularly initiatives that have been proven effective in recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers, including programs that provide— ‘‘(A) teacher mentoring from exemplary special edu cation teachers, principals, or superintendents; ‘‘(B) induction and support for special education teachers during their first 3 years of employment as teachers; or ‘‘(C) incentives, including financial incentives, to retain special education teachers who have a record of success in helping students with disabilities.