Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/3027

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118 STAT. 2997 PUBLIC LAW 108–447—DEC. 8, 2004 the regular notification procedures of the Committees on Appropria tions. (d) Funds made available in this Act for assistance for the Independent States of the former Soviet Union shall be subject to the provisions of section 117 (relating to environment and natural resources) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. (e) In issuing new task orders, entering into contracts, or making grants, with funds appropriated in this Act or prior appro priations Acts under the heading ‘‘Assistance for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union’’ and under comparable headings in prior appropriations Acts, for projects or activities that have as one of their primary purposes the fostering of private sector development, the Coordinator for United States Assistance to Europe and Eurasia and the implementing agency shall encourage the participation of and give significant weight to contractors and grantees who propose investing a significant amount of their own resources (including volunteer services and in kind contributions) in such projects and activities. PROHIBITION ON FUNDING FOR ABORTIONS AND INVOLUNTARY STERILIZATION SEC. 518. None of the funds made available to carry out part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, may be used to pay for the performance of abortions as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortions. None of the funds made available to carry out part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, may be used to pay for the performance of involuntary sterilization as a method of family plan ning or to coerce or provide any financial incentive to any person to undergo sterilizations. None of the funds made available to carry out part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, may be used to pay for any biomedical research which relates in whole or in part, to methods of, or the performance of, abortions or involuntary sterilization as a means of family planning. None of the funds made available to carry out part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, may be obligated or expended for any country or organization if the President certifies that the use of these funds by any such country or organization would violate any of the above provisions related to abortions and involun tary sterilizations. EXPORT FINANCING TRANSFER AUTHORITIES SEC. 519. Not to exceed 5 percent of any appropriation other than for administrative expenses made available for fiscal year 2005, for programs under title I of this Act may be transferred between such appropriations for use for any of the purposes, pro grams, and activities for which the funds in such receiving account may be used, but no such appropriation, except as otherwise specifi cally provided, shall be increased by more than 25 percent by any such transfer: Provided, That the exercise of such authority shall be subject to the regular notification procedures of the Committees on Appropriations.