118 STAT. 3221 PUBLIC LAW 108–447—DEC. 8, 2004 Railroad Passenger Corporation’s fiscal year 2005 business plan: Provided further, That Amtrak shall display the business plan and all subsequent supplemental plans on the Corporation’s website within a reasonable timeframe following their submission to the appropriate entities: Provided further, That none of the funds under this heading may be obligated or expended until the National Railroad Passenger Corporation agrees to continue abiding by the provisions of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, and 11 of the summary of conditions for the direct loan agreement of June 28, 2002, in the same manner as in effect on the date of enactment of this Act: Provided further, That the Secretary of Transportation is authorized to retain up to $4,000,000 of the funds provided to be used to retain a consultant or consultants to assist the Secretary in preparing a comprehensive valuation of Amtrak’s assets to be completed not later than September 30, 2005: Provided further, That these funds shall be available to the Secretary of Transpor tation until expended: Provided further, That this valuation shall to be used to retain a consultant or consultants to develop to the Secretary’s satisfaction a methodology for determining the avoidable and fully allocated costs of each Amtrak route: Provided further, That once the Secretary has approved the methodology for determining the avoidable and fully allocated costs of each Amtrak route, Amtrak shall apply that methodology in compiling an annual report to Congress on the avoidable and fully allocated costs of each of its routes, with the initial report for fiscal year 2005 to be submitted to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, the House Committee on Transportation and Infra structure, and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation before December 31, 2005, and each subsequent report to be submitted within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year to which the report pertains. GENERAL PROVISIONS—FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION SEC. 150. For the purpose of assisting State supported intercity rail service, in order to demonstrate whether competition will pro vide higher quality rail passenger service at reasonable prices, the Secretary of Transportation, working with affected States, shall develop and implement a procedure for fair competitive bidding by Amtrak and non Amtrak operators for State supported routes: Provided, That in the event a State desires to select or selects a non Amtrak operator for the route, the State may make an agreement with Amtrak to use facilities and equipment of, or have services provided by, Amtrak under terms agreed to by the State and Amtrak to enable the non Amtrak operator to provide the State supported service: Provided further, That if the parties cannot agree on terms, the Secretary shall, as a condition of receipt of Federal grant funds, order that the facilities and equipment be made available and the services be provided by Amtrak under reasonable terms and compensation: Provided further, That when prescribing reasonable compensation to Amtrak, the Secretary shall consider quality of service as a major factor when determining whether, and the extent to which, the amount of compensation shall be greater than the incremental costs of using the facilities and providing the services: Provided further, That the Secretary may reprogram up to $2,500,000 from the Amtrak operating grant funds for costs associated with the implementation of the fair bid procedure and demonstration of competition under this section. Procedures. 49 USC 24101 note. Reports. Deadlines. Deadline. 49 USC 24315 note. Public information.