Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/3314

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118 STAT. 3284 PUBLIC LAW 108–447—DEC. 8, 2004 subparagraph only for purposes of collecting the debt described in subparagraph (A). ‘‘(ii) DISCLOSURES PERMITTED.—Subject to clauses (iii) and (iv), the Secretary of the Treasury may disclose information resulting from a data match pursuant to this paragraph only to the Attorney General in connec tion with collecting the debt described in subparagraph (A). ‘‘(iii) CONDITIONS ON DISCLOSURE.—Disclosures under this subparagraph shall be— ‘‘(I) made in accordance with data security and control policies established by the Secretary of the Treasury and approved by the Secretary; ‘‘(II) subject to audit in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary; and ‘‘(III) subject to the sanctions under subsection (l)(2). ‘‘(iv) ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES.— ‘‘(I) DETERMINATION BY SECRETARIES.—The Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary shall determine whether to permit disclosure of informa tion under this paragraph to persons or entities described in subclause (II), based on an evaluation made by the Secretary of the Treasury (in consulta tion with and approved by the Secretary), of the costs and benefits of such disclosures and the ade quacy of measures used to safeguard the security and confidentiality of information so disclosed. ‘‘(II) PERMITTED PERSONS OR ENTITIES.—If the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary deter mine pursuant to subclause (I) that disclosures to additional persons or entities shall be permitted, information under this paragraph may be disclosed by the Secretary of the Treasury, in connection with collecting the debt described in subparagraph (A), to a contractor or agent of either Secretary and to the Federal agency that referred such debt to the Secretary of the Treasury for collection, subject to the conditions in clause (iii) and such additional conditions as agreed to by the Secre taries. ‘‘(v) RESTRICTIONS ON REDISCLOSURE.—A person or entity to which information is disclosed under this subparagraph may use or disclose such information only as needed for collecting the debt described in subparagraph (A), subject to the conditions in clause (iii) and such additional conditions as agreed to by the Secretaries. ‘‘(F) REIMBURSEMENT OF HHS COSTS.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall reimburse the Secretary, in accord ance with subsection (k)(3), for the costs incurred by the Secretary in furnishing the information requested under this paragraph. Any such costs paid by the Secretary of the Treasury shall be considered costs of implementing 31 U.S.C. 3711(g) in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3711(g)(6) and may be paid from the account established pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3711(g)(7).’’.