Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/3498

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118 STAT. 3468 PUBLIC LAW 108–448—DEC. 8, 2004 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S. 2618: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 150 (2004): Nov. 16, considered and passed Senate. Nov. 19, considered and passed House. year for purposes of applying subsection (b)(2) and quali- fying individuals who received assistance in the last month of such immediately preceding period shall be deemed to be selected for the specific period (without the need to complete an application for assistance for such period). ‘‘(B) The limit to be applied under subsection (b)(3) for the specific period shall be the same as the limit applied under such subsection for the immediately preceding period. ‘‘(C) The ratio to be applied under subsection (c)(2) for the specific period shall be the same as the ratio applied under such subsection for the immediately preceding period.’’. Approved December 8, 2004. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 13:54 Nov 10, 2005 Jkt 029194 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 6580 Sfmt 6580 C:\STATUTES\2004\29194PT4.001 APPS10 PsN: 29194PT4