Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/3629

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118 STAT. 3599 PUBLIC LAW 108–454—DEC. 10, 2004 Sec. 302. Offset of veterans’ disability compensation and dependency and indemnity compensation from awards under radiation exposure compensation pro- gram. Sec. 303. Exclusion of life insurance proceeds from consideration as income for vet- erans’ pension purposes. Sec. 304. Certain service-connected disability benefits authorized for persons dis- abled by treatment or vocational rehabilitation provided by the Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs. Sec. 305. Effective date of death pension. Sec. 306. Codification of administrative actions relating to presumptions of service connection for veterans exposed to ionizing radiation. Sec. 307. Codification of cost-of-living adjustment provided in Public Law 108–47. Sec. 308. Cross-reference amendments relating to concurrent payment of retired pay and veterans’ disability compensation. TITLE IV—HOUSING MATTERS Sec. 401. Authority to provide specially adapted housing to certain disabled vet- erans. Sec. 402. Transitional housing amendments. Sec. 403. Increase in maximum amount of home loan guaranty for construction and purchase of homes and annual indexing of amount. Sec. 404. Extension of authority for guarantee of adjustable rate mortgages. Sec. 405. Extension and improvement of authority for guarantee of hybrid adjust- able rate mortgages. Sec. 406. Termination of collection of loan fees from veterans rated eligible for com- pensation at pre-discharge rating examinations. Sec. 407. Three-year extension of Native American veteran housing loan pilot pro- gram. TITLE V—MATTERS RELATING TO FIDUCIARIES Sec. 501. Definition of fiduciary. Sec. 502. Inquiry, investigations, and qualification of fiduciaries. Sec. 503. Misuse of benefits by fiduciaries. Sec. 504. Additional protections for beneficiaries with fiduciaries. Sec. 505. Annual report. Sec. 506. Annual adjustment in benefits thresholds. Sec. 507. Effective dates. TITLE VI—MEMORIAL AFFAIRS MATTERS Sec. 601. Designation of Prisoner of War/Missing in Action National Memorial, Riv- erside National Cemetery, Riverside, California. Sec. 602. Lease of certain National Cemetery Administration property. Sec. 603. Exchanges of real property for national cemeteries. TITLE VII—IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVICEMEMBERS CIVIL RELIEF ACT Sec. 701. Clarification of meaning of ‘‘judgment’’ as used in the Act. Sec. 702. Requirements relating to waiver of rights under the Act. Sec. 703. Right of servicemember plaintiffs to request stay of civil proceedings. Sec. 704. Termination of leases. TITLE VIII—OTHER MATTERS Sec. 801. Principal office of United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Sec. 802. Technical amendments relating to the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Sec. 803. Extension of biennial report of Advisory Committee on Former Prisoners of War. Sec. 804. Availability of administrative and judicial redress for certain veterans de- nied opportunity to compete for Federal employment. Sec. 805. Report on servicemembers’ and veterans’ awareness of benefits and serv- ices available under laws administered by Secretary of Veterans Affairs. SEC. 2. REFERENCE TO TITLE 38, UNITED STATES CODE. Except as otherwise expressly provided, whenever in this Act an amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to be made to a section or other provision of title 38, United States Code. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 13:54 Nov 10, 2005 Jkt 029194 PO 00000 Frm 00133 Fmt 6580 Sfmt 6581 C:\STATUTES\2004\29194PT4.001 APPS10 PsN: 29194PT4