Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/396

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118 STAT. 366 PUBLIC LAW 108–199—JAN. 23, 2004 MEDICAL ADMINISTRATION For necessary expenses in the administration of the medical, hospital, nursing home, domiciliary, construction, supply, and research activities, as authorized by law; administrative expenses in support of capital policy activities; information technology hard ware and software; uniforms or allowances therefor, as authorized by sections 5901–5902 of title 5, United States Code; and adminis trative and legal expenses of the department for collecting and recovering amounts owed the department as authorized under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, and the Federal Medical Care Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. 2651 et seq.); $5,000,000,000, of which $150,000,000 shall be available until September 30, 2005, plus reimbursements. MEDICAL FACILITIES For necessary expenses for the maintenance and operation of hospitals, nursing homes, and domiciliary facilities and other nec essary facilities for the Veterans Health Administration; for administrative expenses in support of planning, design, project management, real property acquisition and disposition, construction and renovation of any facility under the jurisdiction or for the use of the department; for oversight, engineering and architectural activities not charged to project costs; for repairing, altering, improving or providing facilities in the several hospitals and homes under the jurisdiction of the department, not otherwise provided for, either by contract or by the hire of temporary employees and purchase of materials; for leases of facilities; and for laundry and food services, $4,000,000,000, of which $150,000,000 shall be avail able until September 30, 2005. MEDICAL AND PROSTHETIC RESEARCH For necessary expenses in carrying out programs of medical and prosthetic research and development as authorized by chapter 73 of title 38, United States Code, to remain available until Sep tember 30, 2005, $408,000,000, plus reimbursements. DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES For necessary operating expenses of the Department of Vet erans Affairs, not otherwise provided for, including administrative expenses in support of department wide capital planning, manage ment and policy activities, uniforms or allowances therefor; not to exceed $25,000 for official reception and representation expenses; hire of passenger motor vehicles; and reimbursement of the General Services Administration for security guard services, and the Depart ment of Defense for the cost of overseas employee mail, $1,283,272,000: Provided, That expenses for services and assistance authorized under 38 U.S.C. 3104(a)(1), (2), (5), and (11) that the Secretary determines are necessary to enable entitled veterans: (1) to the maximum extent feasible, to become employable and to obtain and maintain suitable employment; or (2) to achieve maximum independence in daily living, shall be charged to this account: Provided further, That the Veterans Benefits Administra tion shall be funded at not less than $1,005,000,000: Provided