Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/4272

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B21 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Parents’ Day ...................................... 4156 Patriot Day ........................................ 4175 Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week ................................ 4133 Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day.............................................. 4139 Religious Freedom Day ..................... 4099 Save Your Vision Week ..................... 4111 Small Business Week ........................ 4135 Thanksgiving Day ............................. 4212 United Nations Day .......................... 4201 Veterans Day ..................................... 4208 White Cane Safety Day ..................... 4197 Women’s Equality Day ...................... 4159 Women’s History Month ................... 4110 World AIDS Day ................................ 4213 World Freedom Day .......................... 4209 World Trade Week............................. 4136 Wright Brothers Day ......................... 4087 To Implement the 2004 United States- Israel Agreement on Trade in Agricultural Products .................... 4188 To Implement the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement................... 4088 To Implement the United States- Singapore Free Trade Agreement...................................... 4091 To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences........................... 4107, 4148 To Modify the Generalized System of Preferences, and for Other Purposes ......................................... 4161 To Suspend Entry as Immigrants or Nonimmigrants of Persons Engaged In or Benefiting From Corruption ..................................... 4096 To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and for Other Purposes .......... 4093 Public Health and Welfare See Health and Health Care; Public Welfare Public Lands Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act .................................................. 3575 Alaska Native Allotment Subdivision Act .................................................. 1357 Arizona Water Settlements Act............ 3478 Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act .......................... 3377 Forestry, sustainable; Federal payments........................................ 1212 Fort Frederica National Monument, GA; land exchange ......................... 2339 Highlands Conservation Act ................ 2375 John Muir National Historic Site Boundary Adjustment Act ............. 2227 Missouri River Basin project, irrigation ........................................ 1211 Missouri, transfer between Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior ........................................... 1364 New Mexico, lease lot conveyances ................................... 1394 Reclamation Safety of Dams Act of 1978, appropriations authorization ................................. 2627 San Gabriel Basin demonstration project, Federal cost-sharing increase .......................................... 2340 Water Supply, Reliability, and Environmental Improvement Act .................................................. 1681 Williamson County Water Recycling Act of 2004...................................... 1202 Public Welfare Asthmatic Schoolchildren’s Treatment and Health Management Act of 2004 ................................................ 2202 Children’s hospitals, graduate medical residency training programs; operating expenses ........................ 3972 Debbie Smith Act of 2004...................... 2266 DNA Sexual Assault Justice Act of 2004 ................................................ 2272 Economic Development Administration Reauthorization Act of 2004...................................... 1759 Ensuring Needed Help Arrives Near Callers Employing (ENHANCE) 911 Act of 2004 ............................... 3986 First responders emergency preparedness, digital television conversion ...................................... 3854 Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Amendments Act of 2004 ............... 3630 Justice for All Act of 2004 ..................... 2260 Medicare part B cost-sharing, extension ........................................ 3467 Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act of 2004 ......... 2327 Prevention of Child Abduction Partnership Act ............................. 1750 Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 ................................................ 1842 State Justice Institute Reauthorization Act of 2004 .......... 1754 Puerto Rico American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 ................................................ 1513 Luis A. Ferre United States Courthouse and Post Office Building, designation ...................... 819 R Railroads See Transportation Reagan, Ronald Wilson ............. 4054, 4072 Real Property See also Land Conveyance American Indian Probate Reform Act of 2004 ............................................ 1773 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 13:03 Dec 02, 2005 Jkt 029194 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0061 Sfmt 0061 C:\STATUTES\2004\29194PT1.003 APPS10 PsN: 29194PT1